Lord Of The Rings (LOTR) Perfectly Predicted-Mirrors Our Global-Real-World Eugenics-Trans-Human-Covid Super-Wars As Shadow-Balrog-Globalists Seek To Vanquish Our Secret Fire aka Our Imperishable Flame
The world has changed. I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. – Lady Galadriel of the Woods of Lothlórien
Captain’s Log Star date: August 27, 2023
Spoiler Alert: Stop, unless first acquainted with the LOTR books or movies.
Read-to-Music relates to ‘LOTR - Edoras’ (buy @ U-Tube)
And 'LOTR - Arwen & Aragorn' (buy @ U-Tube)
And 'LOTR - Return of the King' (buy @ U-Tube)
Listen to The Matrixist read all herein: (coming soon)
Unbeknownst to most familiar with Tolkien’s Legendarium, Good vs. Evil is defined therein as Self-determination, flowing from mutual, voluntary relations, vs. abject-Slavery.
The Creator of the Cosmos-entire, called Eru-Ilúvatar, gifts every individual (Elves - Men - Dwarves - Hobbits) with the Secret Fire, also known as the Flame Imperishable or Imperishable Flame, and, thus, is a refraction of Eru’s creative energy, Ilúvatar's same mysterious power-craft of sub-creation, which can only be enjoyed by exercising freedom of choice. This is Ilúvatar's divine power, by which Eru created everything in Arda. Always with Eru, it is a part of the Spirits (Fëa) of living things. (Some say Christian allegory shows the Flame Imperishable is ‘the Holy Spirit’ existing in every living - sentient being - as it is 'true life' itself.) So, to be a Servant of it, and "a Wielder of the flame of Anor," Gandalf is on the side of the Valar - all the Children of Eru-Ilúvatar.
Their Enemy is the Lord of the Rings, who uses his Rings of Power, he created, to gain full dominion over others, by controlling their minds, and, thus, destroy all freedom of choice. In our present day world, our Enemy is anyone who has the same Objective.
Whether they call it: “Build Back Better, Agenda 21-30, Sustainable Development, our Covid Counter-measures, mRNA therapy, Climate Change policy,” or otherwise, these are all Psy-Ops, i.e. “Rings of Power” intended to control our minds and thereby destroy our freedom of choice, thus, extinguishing our Secret Fire - the Flame Imperishable.
In the LOTR, the only way to destroy the Enemy’s plan, to dominate Middle-Earth, and consequently genocide or enslave much-or-most of its population, in the process, is to destroy the One Ring of Power, where it was created, within the fires of Mount Doom.
In our world, the only way to destroy the Enemy’s plans to achieve World Domination - is to destroy, within the fires of our Dark Souls, any-all belief that their Beast System has any legitimacy whatsoever. If not, they will own-control our Flame Imperishable.
For deeper insight into these matters, watch the following discussion, and, to feel the true Peace of Galadriel, listen to the below music of her people, the Elves of Rivendell.
youtube.com/watch?v=N73GXN_pb7g (LOTR Complete Philosophy - 40 mins.)
N.B. (note well): If either videos are gone, search in Yandex.com, using related terms.
Stay tuned-Return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as revise page. Wait for it.