The Pretender (TV-Series) Dramatized MK-Ultra's Kinder-Gentler Non-Reality Mirroring Our-Worst-Nightmare: Life-As-A Never-Ending TRUE-Man-Like SHOW We Somehow Never-Get-Out-Of Despite Our-Best-Efforts
MK-Ultra (which reportedly stands for Mind-Kontrol to-Ultimate-degree) was-or-still-is a “C.I.A.” (aka Crooks-&-Clowns-in-Action, or Cocaine-Importing-Agency, if you believe the Truther-tards) program
Captain’s Log Star date: January 21, 2024
Spoiler Alert: Do not farther unless first seeing the full-first Season One, all 21-episodes, of The Pretender (1996-2000) TV Series, and its behind-the-scenes featurette - commentaries, on DVD, as we did, to prepare this review for you.
Read-to-Music relates to 'The Pretender' (buy @ U-Tube)
More Original Music from The Pretender heard here:
Listen to The Matrixist read all herein:
The Pretender (aka the Show) quite literally simulates answers to The Question: After escaping ‘The Truman Show,’ what would The-Life-of-Tru-man be like, if said ‘Show’ had been a literal aspect of the CIA’s infamous MK-Ultra program? Read that again.
The Pretender was also yet another Hollywood ‘tell’ suggesting (whether the Show’s creators knew it or not), that we may all be living in a dream, of sorts, from which we only finally awaken, upon ‘our body’s physical death,’ after which we may be forced to fall asleep (‘be born’) yet again, into this realm called ‘reality-life,’ during which we ‘pretend’ we’re someone else ... and, hence, ‘the pretender’ that we all are. Woah.
Re-read the proceeding paragraph … not that this is how things operate, but ... what if? If so, that means, you’re not what - who you think you are, but, what you think, you are! …
The Pretender dramatized Bush-et-al.’s “kinder, gentler” MK-Ultra (shades of M-Alice’s Through the Looking Glass “mostly peaceful depopulation”).*** One of the Show’s creators even describes its ‘Centre’ as, “part RAND (R&D) Corp, Freemasons, & CIA.”
The Centre was, amongst other undisclosed projects therein, a secret quasi-gov’t prison for (kidnapped) gifted children, raised to live out their lives therein, while continually being required to run through never-ending ‘simulations’ (of our real-world scenarios), filmed as black-and-white movies, preserved on mini-DVDs, used for the creation of, yes, disaster-capitalism world-domination false-flags, false-scripts, and false-talking-points.
(Think Ender’s Game, set in our modern-day world, secretly-run, behind-closed-doors, by none other than the-military-industrial-complex. What could go wrong? Everything.)
You guessed it: Brainwashing (you’re not really in a prison, children, but here for your own safety and protection; we love you, and we’ll take care of you, while you help us win the, on-the-outside, for-adults-only world-war); child trafficking (without the ‘sex,’ instead, herein, only to exploit their creative, young minds, and fertile imaginations); and good old emotional torture, with stress-testing, but all the while being ‘made fun’ for the kids, whose dark sides may also include literal grooming to become ready-made ‘Manchurian candidate-assassins.’ In some simulations, references are even made to actual historical events, such as to where ‘JFK’ got snuffed, in broad daylight, while recorded, in real-time ‘Dealey Plaza,’ via the-Zapruder-film, as its own ‘live-exercise.’
After one of these children, a boy named Jarod, grows up, he escapes, as a now middle-aged man, while still a virgin, out, into the real world, beyond ‘The (MK-Ultra) Truman Show’ of his former the Centre-life, now rebelling, against prison-life, as being forever-stuck, ‘happily’ co-creating never-ending (political) ‘simulations,’ or so he thought.
As Jarod later laments, to (Dr.) Sydney, his de-facto, decades-long, Centre father-figure, shrink and gov’t-agent-handler, “how many people died because of what I thought up?”

During his Great Escape, Jarod only takes with him (stolen from the Centre), a small metallic, silver-colored, attaché case, which, once flipped open, reveals a vertical flat-screen-TV, on one side, and, on the other still-flat side, rows of discs, preserving a complete record of his above-top-secret ‘MK-Ultra life,’ in the Centre, especially, all of the ‘simulations’ he helped dream up, thus, possibly, holding all the keys to his pre-Centre-free past-life, mysterious, even to him, specifically: his origin, parents’ identity, and, perhaps, still-alive whereabouts, and how, and why, he was separated from them.
As Jarod laments—to any seemingly sympathetic strangers—he meets along the way, “I don’t know who I am.” Thus, his prior life, as a Centre-prodigy, was not enough, and now, being free of it, and of them, he can continually re-define his own existence ...
Previously, his fellow victims, in the Centre, and Agents therein, were the only ‘family’ he ever had, and only place he called ‘home.’ With all that gone, and unable to return, he now craves ‘a real home,’ and ‘real family,’ ideally, his original, natural-born family.

During his travels, out in the ‘real world,’ while not busy searching for this long-lost-family-and-home, he re-watches these from-the Centre-stolen mini-DVDs, of his former ‘Truman Show’ life, searching for clues to his true-past, as well as helping to assuage his sense of guilt (at inadvertently and unintentionally contributing to help build-out ‘the New World Order’), by righting wrongs, wherever he finds them, which typically start, more often than not, while reading newspapers, as he cuts out articles about victims of all sorts (then glued into little self-made red notebooks he’ll piece together), victims whose early demise has left behind unsolved-cold-cases for him to bring to bear his pure and formidable genius, to resolve the same, and help bring full closure, to any-all survivors. When done with yet another mission accomplished, he’ll leave behind said little red notebooks, at crime scenes, for his jealous gov’t agent pursuers to find, and wonder at, as if fans of a real-world ‘CSI,’ as-in Crime Scene Investigation, with Jarod as the-Star of these self-made Shows. It’s as if he’s turned The Tru-Man Show on its head, cause now, he’s a voluntary player in it, and even controlling all of its scripts and programming, even down to product placement (e.g. Spam, Pez candy, fake dog poop).

Jarod uses his super-powers (with which he was born, or had hyper-developed, due to decades of, with-gov’t-oversight, non-stop ‘simulations’), namely, his ability to read at top speed, with a near-photographic memory, in now-habitual, continuous, real-world ‘live-exercises,’ due to his now compulsive ‘need’ to pretend to be anyone he wants to be, doing virtually any skill-set he sets his mind to, learned within a matter of hours, to days. And now, he’s a ‘natural-born liar,’ due to years of ‘scenario simulations,’ playing ‘pretend ‘n make believe,’ within the Centre. Wouldn’t the same happen to you?

Now just imagine if you had that kind of freedom—rather than being stuck in the same-old-boring-job, day-in, day-out—now you can do any profession, and leave it for any other, any time, in a few days of self-taught training. Firemen today, heart surgeon or EMT rescuer, tomorrow—you name it, and it’s done—with no license, no years-long training, and never-get-caught. Jack of all trades, ‘master’ of none (at least not legally)!
Jarod (at least, now, physically-free of the Centre—just not emotionally or politically) ‘gets off’ by psychologically-tormenting ‘bad guys’ he comes across (just as he was ‘tortured,’ for decades, without knowing it), while entrapping those ‘baddies,’ to be handled over to ‘the authorities-police criminal-in-justice system,’ after extracting confessions from them, caught on audio, or video tape—during which he’ll gleefully announce, “I’m not really a cop!” or “not really in the Coast Guard,” or “not really a virologist,” etc.—‘so you can’t touch me, while you’re now screwed, big time, just the same, cuz of what me-my allies just did to you, ha-ha. Good bye and good riddance!’
Does this make Jarod one of the bad guys, himself? After all, Jarod doesn’t care what the law is, he only cares what’s right, and he’ll break any law he wants, whenever he wants, in service to his-higher-cause, that of saving people, and punishing criminals, who got away—until he catches up with them: Judge, jury, ‘executioner.’ And, why not? His very existence, situation and nature was-is due to ‘our’ criminal-government.
Jarod’s ancient Hebrew name just so happens? to mean ‘angel descends,’ referring to a ‘biblical patriarch’ who lived to age 962, or so the story goes, if ‘the Bible’ is his-story.

In hot pursuit behind him, to bring Jarod back to the Centre, a de-facto gov’t prison, for reasons not entirely clear, and slowly disclosed, if at all, is the Show’s Resident Babe, sex symbol, femme fatale—the exquisite, incomparable, beauty queen, Andrea Parker, in-her-prime hey-day—who plays the uncommonly beautiful, inevitable, ‘Uber-Bitch,’ ‘Miss Parker’ (why Andrea was hired, acting-talent notwithstanding, of which she had plenty of, we don’t dispute). As such, she has all the toughness Jarod lacks, sadly. (Yes, the actress’ name was coincidentally the same as the character she played, a one Miss Parker. No relation to Spider-Man’s Peter Parker, except perhaps in ‘cross-overs’?)

Miss Parker, not unlike Jarod, both ‘born and raised’ in (or near) the Centre (her ‘daddy’ is one of its wardens), has become wedded to it, apparently suffering from so-called ‘Stockholm Syndrome,’ wherein the prisoner (herself) forgives the prison guards (whom she’s now one of). Yes, shades of the Milgram experiments as to ‘obedience to authority figures,’ wherein hostages shift loyalties and begin advocating for their hostage takers.
Jarod is, thusly, like most, if not all, ‘superheroes,’ a self-appointed vigilante—a ‘good cop,’ and, by turns, Bat-Man ‘bad cop’—when he eventually bags the-bad-guy-villains, even an occasional ‘bad-gal.’ (It appears, like ‘G-d,’ Jarod is ‘no respecter of persons.’)
Pez dispensers are “the poop” that comes up in most or all episodes, meant to continually-remind viewers Jarod’s in-touch with his ‘inner child,’ and a possible sugar-addict, fully contradicting his demonstrated knowledge of holistic health (doctoring herbal remedies and reflexology, as he does, among other things), and repeatedly described healthy meals he benefited from, while raised at the Centre. One would think, he’d know better, having read all the classics in the health food store. As such, this defies this soul’s off-the-charts genius-logic, i.e. doesn’t he know everything?

The Pretender was yet another human-empowerment-fantasy, as there are few-to-none having his capabilities, as the limit approaches zero: An on-purpose, wandering hobo, righting wrongs, uncovering, outsmarting and outing villains, even as he gets them into a bind, matching the scenario to which they made their victims fall victim. Death by fire? That’s what happens to you? Jarod will do the same, to those who damaged or destroyed you, but always pulls them back, from the brink, to be handled over to cops, following their confessions, captured on audio, video tape or before live witnesses.
Jarod’s, of course, an elite hacker, during the nascent internet’s infancy, so often seen are monochromatic computer GUI’s (graphical user interfaces), as Jarod hacks the Web, to interact with surrogate ‘father’ Dr. Sydney@centre.go via Jarod@centre.go, or create fake backgrounds and IDs for himself, with all-supporting files-paperwork.
Most fans watching The Pretender probably didn’t realize that most evils Jarod fights, plaguing our world, are directly attributed to criminal-rogue elements found inside (anti-) ‘intelligence’ agencies, acting as ‘secret police,’ for the anti-humanity ‘powers that shouldn’t be,’ who’ve infiltrated and poisoned virtually every aspect of ‘polite society’ and ‘civilization.’ Don’t believe it? Try to do-something-right, and the higher and more visible you become-get, the sooner you eventually run into ‘our controllers.’
Jarod’s a ‘criminal,’ by continually impersonating ‘professionals,’ of every stripe, from doctors to cops to fireman. You name it, he fakes it, to get as close as possible, for however long as it takes, typically a matter of several days, to the ‘perps’ responsible for the death and or maiming-coma of their victim he now wants to avenge. He’ll even falsify public records to relentlessly insinuate himself into his target’s lives. The details of how he accomplishes this is never dramatized, as a probable ‘mission: near impossible.’
The Pretender creates the popular-persistent illusion good-justice can always win over evil, when, Truth is, more often than not—no, it does not (just look around you, at the state of our world)—and, when it does, it takes forever, or requires a virtual-miracle to take place first, like a super-human-Angel to arrive, with one superpower or another.
The Pretender satisfies the wish-fulfillment-fantasy archetype of the Avenging Angel, or Arch Angel, a virtually limitless, superhero, good-guy, who brings about miracles, on a regular basis, to help Save our World; one that no one ever sees coming, even once amongst them; he’s the person you wish would show up, but never does; and yet, in terms of practical legal reality, he’s also an imposter, a total-fraud, whose imbedded himself amongst us, to ‘save the day,’ if he can, and he never fails. He ‘always gets his man.’
The Pretender was powerful enough that it cast a spell on fans to the point some made online shrines, of a sort, honoring it, apparently, never wanting to leave its ‘MK-Ultra’ simulations. See and and and
The Pretender was, as such, itself, a “kinder, gentler” form of ‘legal mind control’ by continually playing on the emotions of its fans, by, among other dramatic techniques: withholding secrets, while continually creating sympathy for its central characters, who we, as the fans, gradually become emotionally invested in, as we actually come to care about what happens to them, as if virtual extensions of ourselves, in their ‘matrix.’
Who scored its Music? Unknown, but it reminded us of that for the Raven TV series, about a super-hero whose powers derived from his ninja-assassin ex-CIA background.
The Pretender, whatever its intent, kept its viewers asking, ‘what the heck is going on here,’ in this latest Jarod-driven ‘simulation,’ now free of his ex-enslavers at the Centre?
Clue-drop: this website, and all its relatives, are literal Jarod-like ‘little red notebooks,’ created by ‘pretenders’ i.e. those using their ‘genius’ to help save our world … one soul at a time. Yes, just as Jarod schemes to entrap the bad guys, in their own schemes, we do the same, to ‘They-the-Parasites,’ wherever, and whoever, they are, vs. ‘We the People.’ Get it? See
The Pretender was a complete fantasy, as no evidence exists people such as Jarod exist, anymore than Unicorns. Prodigies do, yes, but they tend to only excel in one thing or another. Renaissance ‘men’ geniuses, like Leonardo DaVinci, exceling at many things, are truly rare. (N.B. The image-logo of a naked man in a circle-rectangle is reportedly derived from countless drawings that DaVinci is reputed to have left behind.)

Stay tuned-Return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as revise page. Wait for it.
I’m gonna stop talking now. – The Amazing Polly @ Amazing
*** Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship - Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation by and - term originally coined by Margaret Anna Alice in her “Anatomy of a Philanthropath,” Through the Looking Glass series on Substack.
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