Trump Has No-More-Excuses For Failure-To-Disavow [Operation Genocide] Mistakenly-Called [Warp Speed] As Captain James Tiberius Kirk Would Never Have Approved Such A-Deadly-Thing For the USS Enterprise
And the sooner he admits to this, the likely biggest mistake of his life, the sooner he defeats his enemies and preserves what's left of his legacy, while leaving the faces on Mount Rushmore un-masked
Captain’s Log Star date: September 3, 2023
Spoiler Alert: None, unless craving beautiful music, wisdom, humor, kiddo.
Read-to-Music relates to ‘Vikings - War Drums (2013)’ (buy @ U-Tube)
On 8/30/23, “The Honorable Donald John Trump,” posted a video saying, “We Will Not Comply!” with renewed mandated vaxx-injections, lockdowns, masking: See … finally!
Some say this - his video is “epic!” We here, at MWC, say, “too little, too late!” Why?
Impliedly, his activist “son,” “Don, Jr.,” told him, “Dad, many now hold you personally responsible, and legally liable, for the death and or disability, of legions, whose bodies were damaged or destroyed, due to the nanotech-bioweapons-crud in your “miracle” jabs, and or jobs-businesses destroyed, due to lockdowns. And we could lose much of our financial fortune, due to payouts, when the millions-to-billions, of “Operation Warp Speed” [OWS] victims come after us, the Trump estate! It’s only a matter of time! The only way to minimize this now-destruction to your-our legacy, is to come out, ASAP, against further Covid-insanity, which many are calling on-purpose global genocide!”
See for Jr., a possible-someday-future POTUS.
It’s impossible to imagine the above conversation has not already occurred, cause, to find guests-content for his-now-interview-show, ‘Don, Jr.’ MUST have already stumbled upon the above accusations. Below are the sort of info-links “Junior” has no doubt seen!
Advice: Release a new video, ASAP, in which Trump says, “I’m now aware of the death and economic destruction caused by ‘my’ OWS, for which I accept full responsibility, for my part, in the same, due to my ignorance, when deceived by my advisors, to bring this about. If you show your forgiveness, by voting for me, to return, as POTUS, I will use the military to bring to justice all behind this humanitarian disaster!” A rant like that would likely generate the most viral video in all of human history for some time to come.
Also, apologize to all Star Trek fans, for invoking the name of “warp speed,” which bears no relation to the long-standing legalized-hoax known as “virology science.”
See, among others: and, and; also: [most especially]
Stay tuned-Return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as revise page. Wait for it.
Make it so, Number One! - Captain Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation