[Ultimate Epic Super Rants] Failing To Make The Cut, aka [Winners That Were Losers], Preserved Herein, [For Perpetuity], Long After The [War On Humanity] Is Finally Won, So We Have Our Star-Trek-Like>
Future, Babe, without any of the Woke nonsense seen in Star Trek: Discovery, aka [Make Star Trek Great Again] aka MSTGA. These are just re-gifted to you, our loyal audience and fellow Matrix Warriors.
Captain’s Log Star date: November 18, 2024
Spoiler Alert: None, unless craving beautiful music, wisdom and humor, kiddo.
Read-to-Music as relates to 'Smaointe - Enya' (buy @ U-Tube)
Wonder Woman stand-in, Tulsi Gabbard, says WW3-Maker Biden Barking mad.
Tranny-Tards tell Wonder Woman look-a-like, Tulsi Gabbard, to eat sheetrock.
Nobody tells The Man to Stick-it: Tax Me to Death, you pieces of Gubmint Garbage.
Beauty queen says, “Just gimme some Nachos & Conversation, you dumb-ass.”
Alex Jones says, [the Mark of the Beast System] is right here, and right now.
[Dr. Ana Mihalcea], hour+ interview, Re: The Global(ist) Super War, now-ongoing, with The Borg, aka Covidian-Cyber-Zombies, brought to you, by [Kill Gates], et al..
Redacted on Activist Children & Young Adults versus Activist Trannies
C.J. Werleman on Gaza Genocide waged by Religiously?-Sexual?-Enthusiasts?
Babe says, “It’s okay to make an argument, even if you’re not a lawyer, babe.”
Stay tuned-return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as we revise page. Wait for it.
The human adventure is just beginning. - Gene Roddenberry