Waiting-For Breakthrough-Events Is Like-Waiting-For Never-Arriving Messianic-White-Hat-Savior-Figures, In One’s Short-Lifetime aka YOU-Be-THE Game-Changer Breakthrough Event, Before-Dying, Or-DREAM-ON
Our best-wise-sage-advice-counsel for wannabe-super-heroes out-to-save humanity, from itself - From your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, so says Matrixist Warrior Chronicles, "ad-infinitum-absurdum"
Captain’s Log Star date: September 26, 2023
Spoiler Alert: Do not read-go-scroll further, unless wanting to finally, and fully, wake up, break-out, break-free, break-through, having been truly red and black-pilled.
Read-to-Music relates to Biopic ‘Tesla (2020)’ (buy @ U-Tube)
Listen to The Matrixist read all herein:
First, with WW3 now on-going, an excellent summary of what’s really going on—globally, clarified by Carl Herman of carlbherman.blogspot.com of Need to Know News, as a 30 sec. excerpt from episode bitchute.com/video/gowtx1ez8EnM
Empire-Exposing-Ending “Show”: Focus-Groups Generate-Scripts containing Pathetic Talking Points → which Puppeticians & Media-Talking-Heads Repeat → to Explain-Away False-Flags
Hear that again, with deeper-bass, penetrating any Vaxx-fluoride-induced brain fog:
Without naming names—as the primary-key-sole issue here, is always the full and complete salvation “of, by and for” We the People [WTP], to be “made whole”—and not any individual-particular souls that help make all of this happen, and or fail to:
Some Truther-activists (in semi-true Q-anon fame-fashion, or so the claim-accusation often now goes), continually wait for “the White hats, working behind the scenes, with-or-without Trump,” “at Gitmo,” and or elsewhere, to save the day. Consequently, in the time being, they say we should all “withdraw consent and demand arrests,” and essentially leave it at that. Part and parcel to that mindset-outlook-stance-perspective is “waiting for a breakthrough”—one that is, “by definition, unpredictable,” in terms of where it will come from, and what form it will take. And, if not, they continue to hope that things will, with any good luck, “all work themselves out during the next election.”
All that’s well and fine, and may indeed be true, which we, at the MWC can’t know (not being “Q” experts), but, we can’t help but think, this reminds us of the politically homeless hobos “Waiting for Godot,” in the famous stage-play, i.e. this may all be in vain.
Why? “Meanwhile, back at the ranch,” so to speak, untold millions-to-billions have already been vaxx-murdered, or vaxx-life-destroyed-maimed, and or, quite literally, lost everything, and many are even homeless, due to lockdowns, mandates, etc., and or invisible DEW-annihilation weapons. Moreover, the world is on fire (in many places, quite literally), and falling apart, while on the brink of WW3, with nukes soon-to-be flying?, followed by entire cities vaporized, not unlike as on Maui’s DEW-Day). Hello?
Story goes, activist Todd Callender says, one billion have likely already been murdered by the fake-covid-vaxx. That’s 1 out of 8 humans. Right-straight down the-Gov’t-Toilet.
What’s wrong with this picture? Well, for starters, many-most Sheeple will never wake up. And their Killers won’t stop, until cops stop them, and most cops won’t do anything, unless woken up, thus, one can’t “demand arrests,” meaningfully, unless going directly to the cops, and try to show them what’s going on, succinctly, with evidence, and or get a Sheriff to deputize one to do the arrests yourself, with a SWAT team. That’s the real world.
And, if cops still won’t act, as they’ll only do so, “on order from a judge-court,” then, at the very minimum, the cops will eat each other, when the time comes, instead of us. See why at: matrixist.substack.com/p/captain-america-winter-soldier-2014
As was said in V for Vendetta, “there is no court in this country for men like Prothero.”
Thus, waiting for “a Break-through” that sets all other smaller, yet important ones, in motion, not unlike the chain-reaction-dominoes-effect, in V for Vendetta and or “THE Break-through,” that makes the entire “Deep State” [DS] “House of Cards” “Clown-Freak-Poop Show,” come crashing down, in one fell swoop, is like “Whistling Dixie.”
Why? Because, the real world doesn’t work that way. This is easily shown-observed by following any-all of the “Truther” news aggregate sites, some of which are seen below.
If one does so, on a daily basis, one continually sees WTP gaining ground, while the DS Swap Creatures, make counter moves, as “The Empire Strikes Back (1980).” Who can know who will win? Perhaps, if one weights each headline, in Us vs. Them charts, as +1, if one sees more check marks on one side, one can see in which direction things are moving, but, then there’s the confirmation bias of the ones collecting and posting the news: Do they have an overall tendency to be drawn to or overlook, good or bad news?
In the time being, these self-same “news-hounds” create-become echo-chambers, as experts at uncovering and exposing corruption, when, truth be told, they are the ones who are supposed to be ruling the world, rather than merely complaining about it, all the time, and yet, they rarely try to seize power, by complaining directly to cops, etc.
Advice to them: YOU be a break-through, “my Captain and my King,” quoting LOTR.
The only way to rise to the top, to maximize one’s-our effectiveness, is to get done, and do right, what virtually everyone else is failing to do, or doing wrong. Thus, we must scale-leverage ourselves, every single moment, breath, word, deed, aspect of our lives.
This how it works. “Be ye perfect, therefore, as your heavenly father is perfect.” “S/he that is within you (the Holy Spirit) is greater than he that is in the world (the villains).”
How does one gain power? You seize it. How? First, study “Masters of Manifestation” (experts at “self-realization,” demonstrated by achievements, ideally, coming from and out of, virtually no where), to become one yourself by imitating their process. Here’s a great one at vashiva.com, a grassroots, bottoms-up, anti-Swamp guy, all the way. As Dr. Shiva says, “don’t wait for a future that may never come, make it happen yourself.” Yes, his “tongue-language” is rather harsh, when it comes to describing those he sees as stumbling blocks and or outright opponents, but, as was said in Fight Club (1999), “if you wanna make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs.” Suggested steps are below:
Fully engage the War, fighting for “the Great Awakening,” opposing “the Great Reset.”
Become a Frontline Activist (with your own website, book, etc.) or work for-with one, like Dr. Shiva, noted above, or anyone else you think is doing better than he. Go for it.
Make audio-video recordings of all your writings, as others are more likely to listen to you, if they hear your voice, rather then just read your written words. Substack.com has an internal app that can transcribe your words, spoken or sung in a song, to ones seen on-screen. Not surprising, as it’s more natural to look at-hear others vs. reading.
Don’t worry about any labels used to describe you: rebel-genes; outlier; outsider; alarmist; agitator; trouble-maker; shit-stirrer; reformer; revolutionary; evolutionary; visionary; futurist; advocate; deplorable; undesirable; way-shower; influencer; leader; fighter; warrior; mover-shaker; target; player; wannabe; avenger; lone gunmen; lone ranger; ramble rouser; heckler; domestic violent extremist; terrorist; freedom fighter; patriot; anarchist; libertarian; constitutionalist. And, of course, fringe, marginal, racist, loon, conspiracy theorist. Better the foregoing rather than be a “policy maker and opinion leader” or part of the “trusted news initiative” or “young global leader,” i.e. W.E.F-er.
Compile-Organize a Truther Library; aggregate it with that of others; make digital copies; upload it to the Cloud so everyone has it; or to your own brain, using the tech. Todd Callender says already exists, dramatized in the movie The Matrix (1999). Think: Trinity is a Pilot in Seconds. Find someone to leave your collected library to, after you’re gone, as V does to Evey, in V for Vendetta, so it doesn’t end up being destroyed.
Wake Up to Deeper levels of “the matrix” every day, doing “deeper dives” “down the rabbit hole,” to “red pill yourself.” Why? Because, the most articulate, knowledgeable leaders, with the best ideas, quickly rise to the top. You want to lead the charge, right?!
Never mind that the Enemy, our Opponents, seem to have all the money, and even unlimited resources, as almost all of that was stolen, anyway (see coming post on how to get it all back), and what they lack is Truth, and the Truth resonates. That’s why our experience shows, the lower the “production values,” and lower the (commercial-free) budget, the more likely one is dealing with / getting integrity / the closest version of the truth-reality, and, vice versa: higher budgets, commercials, usually leads one to con-job criminality, e.g. see the below resources, some of which have pretty crappy looking websites, but all of which invariably have some “diamonds in the rough.”
Dig for gold where there is gold. Begin digging, below, right after the two Trump photos.
Stay tuned-Return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as revise page. Wait for it.
Do what you can, starting now, wherever you are. – Ricardo Bossi, Australia One
Be brave. Do something. – James O’Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas
Look on the bright side. If this is the best they’ve got around here, in six months, we’ll be running this planet. – Planet of the Apes (1968)
Get us OUT of the predatory 140 years in-the-making Global Depopulation & Enslavement U.N. (Unelected Nobodies) Death Machine Plan by visiting PreventGenocide2030.org to #ExitTheUN, #ExitTheWHO, #PreventGenocide2030.org ! - DrRimaTruthReports.Substack.com

Dis-Claim-er: Being on this where-to-get-started-list does not constitute a full, blanket endorsement, of all you’ll see, hear or read therein, i.e. form your own conclusions and take full responsibility for all of your own choices-results, as we will not, and cannot.
Movies & TV Series
1984 (lowly government clerks vs. absolute globalist tyranny)
300 (Spartans vs. overwhelming odds under Persian god-king)
A Bug’s Life (allegory: gov’t as super-mafia-organized-crime)
Ancient Aliens (extra-terrestrial biological entities called gods)
Beyond the Reset (computer-generated animation short film)
Braveheart (awake Irish peasants vs. British tyrant invaders)
Conspiracy Theory (mad man turns out to be right all along)
Fight Club (disillusioned-lost-vengeful youth vs. polite society)
Firefly-Serenity (post-interstellar civil war renegades vs. gov’t)
Hunger Games series (young adults vs. post-fallen America)
Liar, Liar (lying lawyer forced to tell the truth for entire day)
Lord of the Rings (rag tag band of misfits unite for survival)
Pretender series (MK-Ultra victims vs. gov’t agent handlers)
Raven (ex-martial arts assassin helps strangers during a quest)
Real History of Secret Societies (by historian Richard Spence)
Richard Jewell (indictment by fake FBI and fake mass media)
Rise (2016 short film; sentient robots rebel against humanity)
Robin Hood (thief robs from the rich to give back to the poor)
Sightings (reporting on real-world paranormal phenomenon)
Soylent Green (Agenda 30 actually achieved by 2022)
Sound of Freedom (vigilante crusade vs. child sex trafficking)
Spartacus (ex-slaves vs. Roman Empire before crucifixion)
Star Trek series (classic 60s original-pure-to-creator’s-vision)
The Matrix (ex-hackers turned cyber-warriors vs. fake world)
The Prisoner (1967 James Bond type inside technocratic hell)
The X-Files (FBI agents vs. paranormal-supernatural villains)
They Live (zombie-like aliens takeover via mind control)
Traffik (human trafficking as close as your friendly gas stop)
Transcendence ((2014); nanotech as world domination vector)
Treadstone (MK-Ultra assassin-victims awaken-for-mayhem)
Truman Show (allegory: society as psy-op fake-reality show)
Twilight Zone (allegory: life as endless waking nightmares)
V (stealth invasion by literal reptilians disguised as humans)
V for Vendetta (ex-prisoner, rebellious gal & cop vs. system)
Westworld series (virtually-human robots vs. their makers)
Books (Non-Fiction, Short Stories, Novels & Essays)
1984 - George Orwell (seminal dystopian waking nightmare)
9/11 Conspiracy, Contradictions, Debunking - David Griffin
Against the Great Reset – Michael Walsh et al.
Against the State: Anarcho Manifesto - Lew Rockwell
AI Dangers to Humanity & The Great Reset - Cyrus Parsa
AIDS, Inc. & The Matrix Revealed - Jon Rappoport
AIDS: Second Opinion (& other works) – Gary Null et al.
Anatomy of a Philanthropath - Margaret Anna Alice
Anatomy of the State - Murray Rothbard
Anthrax Deception - Graeme MacQueen
Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe & Effective Is Lying - Vernon Coleman
Anything That’s Peaceful – Leonard Read
Aquarian Conspiracy - Marilyn Fergurson
Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21 – Rosa Koire
Behold a Pale Horse - William Cooper
Bloodlines of the Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier
Bodies of Others: C-19 War on the Human & End of America - Naomi Wolf
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & Satanism - Kerth Barker
Cause Unknown: Why Sudden Deaths Epidemic - Ed Dowd
CBDC Survival Guide - Mark Jeftovic
Chariots of the Gods - Erich Von Daniken
Clouds of Secrecy: Army's Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas - Leonard Cole
Communist Manifesto - Kark Marx & Frederick Engels
Confessions of an Economic Hitman - John Perkins
Confessions of an Illuminati - Leo Zagami
Conspirators Hierarchy: Committee of 300 - John Coleman
Contagion Myth - Thomas Cowan & Sally Morell
Corona False Alarm - Karina Reiss & Sukarit Bhakdi
Cover-up: Conspiracy to Hide Covid-19 Origins - RFK, Jr.
Covid Operation: What, Why & What’s Next - Pam Popper
Covid: Why Gov’t Is Mostly Wrong - Sebastian Rushworth
Covid-19 & Global Predators: We Are the Prey - Peter & Ginger Breggin
Covid-19 Fraud & War on Humanity – Mark Bailey
Creature from Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin
Dark Aeon Transhumanism War Against Humanity - Joe Allen
Dark Alliance: CIA, Contras, Cocaine Explosion - Gary Webb
Dark Money - Jane Mayer
Deadly Deception: HIV doesn’t cause AIDS - Robert Willner
Deadly Medicines Organized Crimes - Peter Gotzsche
Den of Vipers: Central Banking & Fake Economy & Code Red: Secret Communist Takeover of America – Cynthia Hodges
Deep State Encyclopedia - ReallyGraceful.com
Deep State: Rise of a Shadow Government - Mike Lofgren
Definitive Autism Action Plan: Healing Child - Rima Laibow
Dillon Read Stock Profits Aristocracy - Catherine Austin-Fitts
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines Forgotten History - Suzanne Humphries
Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down - Joachim Hagopian
Emperor’s New Clothes - Hans Christian Andersen
End the Fed - Ron Paul
Eyes Wide Open: MK-Ultra Sex Trafficking - Fiona Barnett
Farewell to Virology – Mark Bailey
Five Eyes Secret History: Untold Story - Richard Kerbaj
Fluoride Deception - Christopher Bryson
Forbidden Secrets of Illuminati: Luciferian Deception - Michael Adair; Cynthia Hodges ed.
Geoengineered Transhumanism - Elana Freeland
Google Leaks: Big Tech Censorship - Zach Vorhies
Government Gangsters: Deep State vs. Truth - Kash Patel
Great Reset & War for the World - Alex Jones
Greatness Awaits: 5 Pillars Real Leadership - Riccardo Bosi
HIV: Virus Like No Other – Perth Group
Illuminati: the Cult that Hijacked the World - Henry Makow
Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine - Leemon McHenry
Indictment: Prosecuting Gov’t for Genocide - Frank Gaffney
Invaded: Intentional Destruction By Illegal American Immigration – J.J. Carrell
Inventing the AIDS Virus - Peter Duesberg
Invisible Rainbow: Electricity & History - Arthur Firstenberg
Is a Positive Western Blot Proof of HIV Infection – Eleni Eleopolos
Is COVID-19 a Bio-Weapon? - Richard Fleming
Justice Denied & Justice Restored - Howell Woltz
Laptop from Hell - Miranda Devine
Let America Live - Stella Immanuel
Licensed to Lie: Corruption in the D.O.J. - Sidney Powell
Mafia, CIA & George Bush – Pete Brewton
Molon Labe (Come & Take Them) - Boston T. Party
Monkey Wrench Gang - Edward Abbey
Mr. Aluminum: Discussions with the Atom - Chris Exley
Murder by Decree: Genocide in Canada - Kevin Annett
Murder by Medicine - Jennifer Daniels
Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7 - David Griffin
Myths, Lies, Oil Wars - William Engdahl
Nanotechnology & Homeland Security - Mark Ratner
New Abnormal: Bio-Medical Security State - Aaron Kheriaty
New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11 Cover-up - David Griffin
New World Order - Ralph Epperson
One Felony A Day - Harvey Silverglate
One Nation Under Blackmail: Vol. 1-2 - Whitney Webb
Our Daily Meds - Melody Petersen
Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State - Joachim Hagopian
Permanent Record - Edward Snowden
Pharmakeia: Hidden Assassin – Ana Mendez Ferrell
Pharmakia: Biblical View of Drug Use – Robert Orem
Plague of Corruption & Ending Plague - Judy Mikovits
Ponerology: Evil & Psychopathy - Andrew Lobaczewski
Power of Myth - Bill Moyers
Presidential Takedown: CDC & WHO Overthrew Trump - Alexander & Heckenlively
Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber & Cybernetic Warfare Revealed - Robert Duncan
Propaganda - Edward Bernays
Propaganda - Michelle Stiles
Psych Warfare & New World Order - Servando Gonzalez
Psychology of Totalitarianism - Mattias Desmet
Q-Anon: Great Awakening - Martin Geddess
Real RFK Jr.: Medical Freedom - Dick Russell
Reluctant Anarchist - Joseph Sobran
Resisting Medical Tyranny – Francis Boyle
Review of Critical Vaccine Studies - Neil Miller
Revolution 1989: Fall of Soviet Empire - Victor Sebestyen
Rise & Fall of 4th Reich - Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0
Rise of Fourth Reich & Nuremberg 2.0 - Deace & Horowitz
Rodney Stich (anti-corruption books)
Rules for Radicals: Pragmatic Primer - Saul Alinsky
Science of Fear - Dan Gardner
Scientific Life & Times of Peter Duesberg - Harvey Bialy
Screwing of the Average Man - David Hapgood
Secret History of the World - Mark Booth
Selective Persecution – Simone Gold
Selling Sickness – Ray Moynihan & Alan Cassels
Serious Adverse Events: AIDS Uncensored - Celia Farber
Shell Game: Whistleblowing Reports - Scott Bennett
Shots Fired: Vaxx-WMD, Medical Tyranny - Shannon Rowan
Slanted & The Smear - Sharyl Attkisson
Slave Girl - Sarah Forsythe
Snake Oil: How China Shut Down World - Michael Senger
Sovereign Individual - Davidson & Rees-Mogg
State of Fear: UK Weaponized C-19 Fear - Laura Dodsworth
States of Emergency: Depopulation - Kees Van Der Pijl
Super-class - David Rothkopf
Surveillance Capitalism: Fight the Future - Shoshana Zuboff
Susan Bradford (all her anti-corruption books here and here)
Technocracy: Hard Road World Order; Technocracy Rising: Trojan Horse of Global Transformation; Evil Twins of Technocracy & Transhumanism - Patrick Wood
The Great Taking - David Rogers Webb
Trance-Formation of America & PTSD & Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security - Cathy O’Brien-Mark Phillips
Trilaterals Over Washington - Antony C. Sutton
Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: N.W.O. vs. America; Rule by Secrecy; Alien Agenda; Rise of Fourth Reich et al. - Jim Marrs
True Story of Bilderberg Group - Daniel Estulin
Truth About Covid - Joseph Mercola & Ronnie Cummins
Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science & Myth - Anon
Unafraid: Just Getting Started - Kari Lake
Uncover Epicenter Nurse - Erin Olszewski
Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans - Jonathan Moreno
Unholy Alliance: Nazis & the Occult - Peter Levenda
Unrestricted Warfare - Qiao Liang & Wang Xiangsui
Vacci-Nation - Judy Wilyman
Victims of Groupthink – Irving Janis
Virus Mania - Sam Bailey, Torsten Engelbrecht et al.
Voluntary City: Choice, Community, Society - David Beito
War is a Racket - Marines Major General Smedley D. Butler
War On Ivermectin: Covid Ending Medicine - Pierre Kory
Who Rules America? - William Domhoff
Wi-Fi Refugee: Plight of 5G-EMF Canary - Shannon Rowan
Woke, Inc.: Inside Social Justice Scams - Vivek Ramaswamy
Addressing “the Realms of Extreme Possibilities” to quote “The X-Files”
Alien Invasion: Reptilians Cetaceans & Frequency Wars on Planet Earth; Guide to Life in This Universe - Wuono, reportedly “channeled on the Ouija board” via C.-F.Hodges
Splitting Image: Exposing Secret World of Doubles-Decoys-Impostor Replacements Plastic Macca: Secret Death & Replacement of Beatle Paul McCartney - Tina Foster aka C.F.H.
“Vaccine”-Holocaust Medical-Genocide Testimonies
ActivistPost.com (Spiro Skouras)
AmazingPolly.net (Polly Saint George)
AmericasFrontlineDoctors.org (Simone Gold et al.)
AmericasGrandJury.com (Nuremberg 2.0)
AmericasVoice.News (Anna Perez)
AmMedicalMD.com (Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD)
AnecdotalsMovie.com (Jennifer Sharp et al.)
ArmstrongEconomics.com (Martin Armstrong)
AstridStuckelberger.com (Astrid Stuckelberger)
CarrieMadej.com (Carrie Madej)
CathyFox.Wordpress.com (child sex trafficking)
ChildrensHealthDefense.org (Robert Kennedy, Jr.)
Citizens-Rights.org (Leigh Dundas)
ConsentFactory.org (C.J. Hopkins)
Corona-Ausschuss.de (Reiner Fuellmich)
ICIC.law (International Crimes Investigative Committee)
Corona-Investigative-Committee.com (Reiner Fuellmich)
CovidLeaks.co.uk (Fiona Hine)
Covid19Exposed.net (Nikita Samuelle)
CoxLawyers.com (stopped N.Y. state quarantine camps)
CrowHouse.com (Max Igan)
CynthiaHodges.com (Cynthia Hodges)
DailyClout.io (DrNaomiWolf.com)
DavidIcke.com (“dot connector”)
DavidMartin.World (David Martin)
DiedSuddenly.info (StewPeters.tv)
DrasticResearch.org (Covid ‘virus’ origins)
DrChristinaParks.com (Christina Parks)
DrPamPopper.com (Pam Popper)
DrPaulAlexander.com (Paul Alexander)
DrRimaTruthReports.com (Rima Laibow)
DrSamBailey.com (Sam Bailey)
DrStellaMSD.com (Stella Immanuel)
DrTenpenny.com (Sherri Tenpenny)
DrTrozzi.org (Mark Trozzi)
Educate-Yourself.org (Ken Adachi)
ElanaFreeland.com (Geoengineering-Transhumanism)
FluorideFreePeel.ca (Christine Massey)
ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net (Alexandra Bruce)
FrankSpeechOnline.com (MichaeljLindell.com)
FreedomLawSchool.com (Peymon Mottahedeh)
FreeNowFoundation.org (Alix Mayer)
FromRome.info (Friar Brother Bugnolo)
GemmaODoherty.com (Gemma O’Doherty)
GiveSendGo.com (Freedom Fundraising)
GlobalCovidSummit.org (declaration to restore integrity)
GlobalFreedomTV.com (Scott Bennett)
GlobalResearch.ca (Michel Chossudovsky)
GlobalWalkout.com (unsubscribing from MSM)
Grand-Jury.net (People’s Nuremberg 2.0)
HealthNutNews.com (Erin Elizabeth)
HenryMakow.com (Henry Makow)
Home.Solari.com (Catherine Austin-Fitts)
HowBadIsMyBatch.com (howbad.info)
IAmBrookJackson.com (Brook Jackson Whistleblower)
ICanGrowFood.com (Marjory Wildcraft)
IceAgeFarmer.com (self-sufficient communities)
JamesHFetzer.org & AllThingsReconsidered.tv (James Fetzer)
JamesRoguski.com (James Roguski)
JaysAnalysis.com (Jay Dyer)
JessicasUniverse.com (Jessica Rose)
JimStone.is (Jim Stone)
JosephSansone.substack.com (Dr. Joseph Sansone)
JusticeRestored.com (Howell Woltz)
KerriRivera.com (healing autism & more)
KevinpCorbett.com (Kevin Corbett)
LastAmericanVagabond.com (Ryan Cristian)
LawTribunal.net (Lady Charles Seven)
LeoZagami.com (Leo Zagami)
LetOurChildrenGo.org (Mark & Terri Stemann)
MacdonaldCaseFacts.com (Jeffrey MacDonald Case)
MakeAmericansFreeAgain.com (Pam Popper)
Mamm.org (Millions v. Medical Mandates)
Mercola.com (Joseph Mercola)
Mifight.org (KarenKingston.Substack.com)
Mises.org (true free market economics)
MurderByDecree.com (Kevin Annett)
NationalARM.org (Renaissance Movement)
NationalFile.com (Patrick Howley)
NationsInAction.org (Maria Zack)
NaturalNews.com (Mike Adams)
NewsWars.com (Alex Jones)
NoMoreFakeNews.com (Jon Rappoport)
NVIC.org (Barbara Loe Fisher)
NVIN.com (National Vaxx Info Network)
OKeefeMediaGroup.com (James O’Keefe)
OpenSourceTruth.com (Rima Laibow)
PedoEmpire.org/contents (free Pedophilia exposé)
PlagueTheBook.com (Judy Mikovits)
PoliticalArTom.com (Tom Alberto)
PreventGenocide2030.org (Rima Laibow)
DrRimaTruthReports.com (Rima Laibow)
Principia-Scientific.com (Joe Olson)
ProjectVeritas.com (James O’Keefe)
ProsecuteNow.com (David Martin)
RealHistoryChan.com (Mike King)
Reality-Entertainment.com (conspiracy theory deep dives)
ReallyGraceful.com (Grace Elizabeth)
RebelNews.com (WEFReports.com)
RedPillDocumentaries.com (G. Edward Griffin)
ReeseReport.com (Greg Reese)
ResetWars.com (Alex Jones)
RichardGage911.org (Richard Gage)
SaveUsNow.org.uk (Mark Steele)
SecureWhistleblower.com (Reiner Fuellmich)
SelectionCode.com (rigged elections & vote fraud)
ShellGameWhistleblower.com (Scott Bennett)
Steven-Kirk.com (legalized hoaxes explored)
StopTheCrime.net (Deborah Tavares)
StopWorldControl.com (David Sorensen)
T.me/s/Corona_Ausschuss (Corona Committee)
Technocracy.news (Patrick Wood)
TheAIOrganization.com (Cyrus Parsa)
TheBurningPlatform.com (Jim Quinn)
TheDrArdisShow.com (Bryan Ardis)
TheFallingDarkness.com (Alt. News)
TheGrowNetwork.com (Marjory Wildcraft)
TheHighWire.com (Del Bigtree)
TheLastAmericanVagabond.com (Ryan Kristin)
TheNewAmerican.com (Alex Newman)
TheTrueFactsC19.com (Drysdale Canadian Report)
ThisIsTreason.com (J.J. Carrell)
Trance-Formation.com (Cathy O’Brien-Mark Phillips)
TruthstreamMedia.com (Melissa-Aaron Dykes)
TruthSummit.info (Elsa Schieder)
UnlimitedHangout.com (Whitney Webb)
USAWatchdog.com (Greg Hunter)
Vaccine-Police.com (Christopher Key)
VacSafety.org (SteveKirsch.substack.com)
VaxTestimonies.org (Israel’s Vaccine Holocaust)
VaxxChoice.com (Todd Callender, att’y) & “5 Small Stones dot-com” & “Clouthub”
VeteransToday.com (Clandestine Services journal)
VladimirZelenkoMD.com (Zev Zelenko)
VoxNews.com (Harry Vox)
WarRoom.org (Steve Bannon)
WeAreThePrey.com (Breggin.com)
Weberzway.com (Alison Wonderland Steinberg)
WeWantToBeHeard.com (aka RealNotRare.com)
WhiteCoatSummit.com (America’s Frontline Doctors)
WikiLeaks.org (Julian Assange treasure trove)
WikiSpooks.com (deep politics encyclopedia)
WorldFreedomAlliance.org (Dolores Cahill)
ZeeeMedia.com (Maria Zee; Australian activist)
2000 Mules (Catherine Engelbrecht, True-the-Vote)
2030 Unmasked (2030unmasked.com)
9/11 Intercepted (Pilots for 9/11 Truth)
A Thousand Pieces (Sean Stone)
A.I. Plan to Invade Humanity & Great Reset (Cyrus Parsa)
America: Freedom to Fascism (Aaron Russo)
Anecdotals (Covid-19 injection injured victims)
Brotherhoods of Darkness lectures (Stan Monteith)
Bloodlines: Banking & Jesuit Families (Anon DK)
CovidLand & End Game et al. (Alex Jones)
Died Suddenly: Covid “Vaccine” Holocaust (Stew Peters)
End of Days: Transhuman Holocaust (Stew Peters)
Enjoy the Show (Tore Says re: CIA-CAA psy-ops)
Europa: Last Battle (2017)
Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick (before-&-after JFK murder)
Fall of the Cabal (Janet Ossebaard)
False Flags: Secret History of Al-Qaeda
Final Days: Transhumanist World Domination (Stew Peters)
Generation Covid (Jennifer Sey)
Genetically Modified Children (Juliette Igier & S. Lebrun)
Loose Change (Dylan Avery - 9/11)
InfertilityMovie.org (Andrew Wakefield)
Money Masters (1996)
Out of Shadows (pedophile human trafficking)
Plandemic & InDoctorNation
Planet Lockdown (2022)
Save the Babies: On CPS Child Trafficking
Safe and Effective (exposé on vaxx-jabs)
Science for Hire (& other such works) (Gary Null)
Selection Code (vote fraud due to rigged elections exposed)
Shadow Gate (fake news industrial complex)
The Dimming (Dane Wigington on climate engineering)
The Plea (coercing innocents to plead guilty)
The Unspeakable & Seven (www.ae911truth.org)
Thirty Seconds of Silence (AE911Truth.com)
TWA Fight 800
Vaxxed: Cover-Up to Catastrophe (www.vaxxedthemovie.com)
Vaxxed II: People’s Truth (vaccine injury to children)
What is a Woman? (Matt Walsh)
Who Killed Malcolm X?
What is Treason? (ThisIsTreason.com)
World Governance
Covid-19: Great Reset & Great Narrative - WEF
Earth Charter - Maurice Strong
Implications of Worldwide Population Growth - NSSM-200 - Henry Kissinger
Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports - War Room
Population Bomb & Population Explosion - Paul Ehrlich
Scenarios for Future of Technology – Rockefeller Foundation (2010)
Silent Invasion: Untold Story of Covid-19 - Deborah Birx
Spars Pandemic - John Hopkins
Limits to Growth - Club of Rome
Next Million Years - Charles Galton Darwin
Secret Societies: Occult, Mystery Religions, Masonic Orders
Brotherhood of Darkness - Stan Monteith
Dark Side of Freemasonry - Ed Decker
Demonic Roots of Globalism - Gary Kah
Devil's Chessboard: CIA Secret Government - David Talbot
Evolutionary Co-creation; Revelation - Barbara Marx Hubbard
Fire in the Minds of Men - James Billington
Great Deceit - Archibald Roosevelt & Zygmund Dobbs
Great Conspiracy – Ted Gunderson
Holy Blood & the Holy Grail - Lincoln, Baigent & Leigh
Humanist Manifesto I-III - Kurtz, Wilson & Sellars
Invisible Government - Dan Smoot
Keys of This Blood - Malachi Martin
Lost Keys of Freemasonry - Manly Hall
Marx & Satan - Richard Wurmbrand
Master Thoughts - Thomas Jefferson
Masters of Deceit - Edgar Hoover
Matrix of Power: Secrets of World Control - Jordan Maxwell
Morals & Dogma: Freemasonry Scottish Rite - Albert Pike
New Lies for Old - Anatoliy Golitsyn
None Dare Call it Conspiracy - Gary Allen
Now Dawning New Age New World Order - Dennis Cuddy
Open Conspiracy; New World Order – H.G. Wells
Power Elite - Wright Mills
Puppetmaster: Edgar Hoover - Richard Hack
Trust No One & Secret Agent 666 – Richard Spence
Secret Destiny of America - Manly Hall
Secret Doctrine - Helena Blavatsky
Secret Establishment; Wall Street Trilogy - Antony Sutton
Secret Records Revealed - Dennis Cuddy
Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly Hall
Singularity Is Near - Ray Kurzweil
Spiritual Politics - Corinne McLaughlin
Through the Eyes of the Enemy - Stanislav Lunev
Tragedy & Hope: Our Time World History - Carroll Quigley
Triumphant Democracy - Andrew Carnegie
Underground Occult Establishment - James Webb
Unholy Alliances: Anti-American Secret Plan - James Wardner
Warrant for Genocide - Norman Cohn
Joe O,
Please compile a list of the one thousand plus books you’ve read, title and author, then let’s do a series of interviews wherein you summarize what you recall, from each, in so far as it relates to today’s Great Awakening, what CBH calls The Great Choosing. Okay? Let us know. Peace out. [His unredacted replies follows …]
World War Two Bibliography
"Flyboys" by James Bradley > "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand > "Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang
"Ship of Ghosts" and "Last Stand of Tin Can Sailors" by James Hornfischer (excellent)
"Dec 08, 1941: MacArthur Pearl Harbor" by Wm Bartsch
"Target Patton" > "Pearl Harbor Betrayed" > "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich"
biographies of multiple Aces > technical books on aircraft, ships and tanks
In all at least 150 on WW Two > visits to RAF bases
"Vacuum under the Soetoro Sombrero" > "Housebreaking Your New Euro Snob" >
"Overthrowing the Kit and Kaboodle"
My Royal Society series has science info.
Joe O
/// End-of-list: If want items added and-or to-be-interviewed, see below ‘Post.’