Captain’s Log Star date: January 5, 2025
Spoiler Alert: Do not proceed unless first seeing Captain Marvel (2019) and North-By-Northwest (1959).
Read-to-Music relates to 'Captain Marvel - Anthem (2019)' (buy @ U-Tube)
Read-to-Music relates to 'North-By-Northwest (1959)' (buy @ U-Tube)
Listen to The Matrixist read all herein:
Featured Post: Frontline Activist [Susan Bradford], a Voice Crying Out In The Wilderness: Prepare Ye the Way of We-the-People (Isaiah 40:3)
Meet Susan Bradford, speaker-author, direct from (the Expanse) that is Universal Good Will. ♾️ Video Interviews above and-or below subsequent audio recording(s):
< COMING RECORDINGS FOUND HERE? > Due to error, scheduled conference did not occur. She was ready, but we thought it to occur at a later hour. Two ships crossing in the night. If she’ll forgive this rare occurrence, revision of this page will have her brilliance writ large by video & or audio. May it be so.
Her Web Presence & Books 📚 : Susan & Susan Bradford @ Substack
Susan Bradford’s Blog-Essays Excerpt: ‘On Constitutional Law & its Applications’
Susan Bradford’s Link Tree & Susan Bradford on GAB Social Media
Support Her Efforts to Save-Us-All By Clicking All-Four Below Links:
Go-Fund-Me → Give-Send-Go → Buy-Me-A-Coffee → Paypal → Donate to Mission
She wrote ‘might be of interest’ :: Advance-Australia dot-au
N.B. To see the full scope-content of each photo, showing the covers of all her books for sale online, touch-click on pics below. Below those, more show Her starring as ‘Carol Danvers’ in 📽️ Captain Marvel, a Top Gun Pilot who Soars. Just kidding. : )
Stay tuned-Return. Same Bat-time, Bat-channel, as revise page. Wait for it.
You can settle for less, in ordinary life, or do you feel like you were meant for something better? Something special? Enlist in Starfleet ... Your Father was Captain of a Starship for 12 minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mothers, and yours. I dare you to do better. - Captain Christopher Pike, Star Trek (2009)
And God said, Let there be Mass Arrests. And it was so. - Yours Truly, The Matrixist
Don't thank me Warden, we’re all part of the same Team. - Superman: The Movie
Cause that’s what heroes do! - Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
We just f-ing do it. - Dr. Shiva
No colleague would stand with me. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. - Carl B. Herman, M.Ed.
Don’t ask me, ask them. When they are on trial, for their lives. - Sasha Latypova