Captain’s Log Star date: December 23, 2024
Listen to The Matrixist read all herein: (coming soon)
Spoiler Alert: None, unless craving beautiful music, wisdom, humor, kiddo.
Read-to-Music relates to 'Lady Hawke (1985) - Pt. 1' (buy @ U-Tube)
Featured Post - [Frontline Activist] ‘Lorien Fenton,’ Yes, THAT UFO & White-Light-Being-Angel Chaser, in League with ‘the Conspiracy Guy’
Meet Lorien Fenton, long-time Conspiracy Actualist-Factualist-Analyst-Theorist, soon-to-be author, best-selling classic, The Weekend I Woke Up.
See also Saint Lorien’s Web Presence @, and, for her Life-story-bio, see here, which says it all. Other two videos—that our above [Video Rants] refer to—are here (paranormal-supernatural experience) and here (High-tech Cures).
N.B. To see full scope-contents of each below photo, touch-click on same. All show Lorien starring as Joan of Arc, in movies she made (the blond girl). Below that is her today, having left behind her Hollywood World-Saving Make-Believe. Now she does the Real thing.
Stay tuned-Return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as revise page. Wait for it.