[Naomi Seibt] (Galadriel of Lothlórien) Versus [Caitlin Johnstone] (Éowyn of Edoras); Who's Right? The Anti-Socialism DJT-Supporter, Or Avowed-Socialist DJT-Basher, As-Well-As-Bashing All Who Support>

The Globe-Spanning Empire-Apologia Facilitators, Funders, Sycophants, Suckers, Dupes, Noodles, Nitwits & Numskulls. Or are they both right just in different ways? You decide. We only ask all to think.

Captain’s Log Star date: November 1, 2024

Spoiler Alert: Do not go further herein, unless wanting to ponder how is it two brilliant women, both tirelessly fighting to save our world, could not be more at odds?

Read-to-Music relates to 'LOTR - The Lord of the Rings' (buy @ U-Tube)


Now compare the just above, real world, ‘Joan of Arc’ heroine, with the one below, then ask yourself, Whose ‘Kung Fu’ is The Best, and Why? Until we meet again ...

Stay tuned-Return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as revise page. Wait for it.

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