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Vast Right-Wing Conspiracies? Reliance On [Deep Fakes?] Violates [The Just-Because Rule] AKA Is ‘Photo?-Evidence’ Really CGI [Computer-Generated-Images] And 'Proofs' Just Psy-Ops To Distract Truthers?

You decide. An extended debate-discussion with Oftentimes-Genius, and, at times, Absent-Minded Prof. (Just kidding) Carl-B-Herman the Great-Yet-Never-Late. Put differently, How Does One Think Clearly?

Captain’s Log Star date: March 8, 2023

Spoiler Alerts: None, unless ya’ll just can’t stomach red-to-black-pill Truth-Bombs …

Part Two of Above Part One Tartaria Debunked? (if that) chat, followed by analysis:

Summary: Don’t let the Baddies ‘Put the Whammy’ on us! – in any way, shape or form, by going farther and deeper still, than where very few Truthers have ever gone before.

Discussion: We ask, How do we think as clearly as is humanly possible, at all times, with no exceptions? Put differently, why don’t ‘Truthers’ demand the absolute highest standards-forms of logic-evidence to support ‘prima facia’ claims, especially in light of these ‘brave new world’ days of ‘easily’ faked ‘photos’ (really, images) of all kinds?

Short Answer: We don’t really know! But, we’ve noticed it helps a lot to apply what we call The ‘Just-Because’ Rule, with some examples listed below, most simply expressed by framing popular conspiracy theories preceded by the phrase ‘Just-Because’; to wit:

Application of The ‘Just-Because’ Rule (Examples of):

Just because “those people on television” seem to be natural-born humans, doesn’t mean they are. They may be digital-CGI, hologram-avatars, genetically-engineered clones, Westworld-like robots, Invasion of the Body-snatched individuals, whether by plant-pod ‘aliens,’ ‘demons’ or otherwise, if there are such things, and who-knows-what-else, i.e. how many of all “those people on television” have you ever met, face-to-face, held their hand, seen their breath fog up a glass pane, tested to see if they even have a to-the-touch pulse and or heart-beat, and or can pass the Turing Test in private conversation, to see if they’re fake humans? Probably, few to none, so how do you know they are even ‘real’?

Back in the day, an alleged living-breathing, real-live woman, some Truther-tards? have called HRC or Hitlary or Reptilary, used the term ‘vast right-wing conspiracy!’ (on-camera) to refer to the ‘deplorables’ (her opposition, that’s you, babe). Even so --

Just because HRC associated with dozens who (reportedly) died under (very) mysterious circumstances, i.e. were apparently ‘suicided,’ doesn’t mean she ordered this, i.e. to the extent some, many, most, or all of these deaths were ordered at all; they could of been ordered by others she had no knowledge or control of, i.e. those in the ranks of her handlers wanting to protect what she helped them create, using her as a proxy (third-party agent). Moreover --

Just because some have said there exists a video of an unspeakable crime being committed by her doesn’t mean said video exists, or ‘several cops saw it.’ If you’re going to accuse someone of something as over the top as it gets (and, quite frankly, as unbelievable), that doesn’t mean it occurred. Demand proof. And, by extension:

Just because a guy who played ‘Jesus Christ’ in a movie is said to have said he saw that alleged video, doesn’t mean he did, and, even if he did, it may have been a CGI-fake.

Just because, by extension, her alleged daughter is seen wearing an upside down cross in a photo, does mean she’s a ‘Satanist,’ as, again, it may have been a CGI-faked photo.

Just because some guy on TV called Obama, Barry Soetero, or whatever his ‘real name’ really-is, supposedly wired? $64K for party-’frankfurters’ doesn’t mean he’s a pedo; where’s the absolute proof those e-mails were real, e.g. what’s the computer-IP-addy etc?

If someone claimed YOU were a pedo, or adrenochrome-blood drinker, etc., wouldn’t YOU deserve accusers first produce absolute proof, not merely ‘prima facia’ claims?

Just because Michelle ‘Big Mike’ Obama or NZ’s ‘Jack’ Arden has a ‘swinging-d**k’ doesn’t prove ‘trans’; first subject those fotos-vids to pixel-by-pixel forensic analysis.

Just because central ‘bankster’ federal reserve notes aka ‘dollars’ is said to be ‘funny money,’ ‘debt,’ ‘counterfeit,’ ‘fake,’ Monopoly-board-game ‘money,’ ‘printed out of thin air’ proves nothing; where is the statutory authorities and or case law etc. absolutely proving they are doing this?

Just because there are pics of ‘panels of Israeli dual citizens’ in our ‘ZOG,’ doesn’t mean there is; how was this established?, e.g. via passports-IDs proven as authentic; if not, why trust ‘Jew Bashers’ (or any-one) making these claims, without producing absolute proof? See

Just because POTUS ‘Brandon’ is in a video touching the back of his head, and the ‘skin’ moves like latex, doesn’t mean it’s a mask; it may be a CGi-fake or maybe he’s a robot; Same, re: his head: just because his ears are different than the ‘real-original’ Joe, doesn’t mean it’s not him—maybe ‘they’ worked on him, surgery went wrong, etc.

Just because there are stories-claims-reports-allegations, and some “photos or videos,” doesn’t prove anything absolutely. That’s really NOT ‘evidence,’ i.e. absolute proof.

Where’s the beef? – famous line from a now-ancient TV commercial

N.B.Tartaria’ = Body-of-Inquiry into the so-called evidence of the reported-claims of a supposed-Lost-World, and, perhaps, vastly-superior Lost-World, wiped out by baddies OR fake photos of World’s Fair buildings and Stories about them, serving as Psy-Ops to distract you from your Mission, given that master builders (‘free-Masons’) have every reason to preserve master works, forever, like the Pyramids, not destroy them.

Ex-Public School Teacher, now Jedi Knight Carl-B-Herman, happily discovering some actual truth hidden amongst the endless phony-baloney-laden narratives.

Tartary or Tatary was a blanket term used in Western European literature and cartography for a vast part of Asia bounded by the Caspian Sea, Ural Mountains, Pacific Ocean, and northern borders of China, India and Persia, at a time when this region was largely unknown to European geographers. Wikipedia … Tartarian: Tartarus, a place in the underworld of Greek mythology. Tartary, a historic name for much of Central and Northern Asia. Tatars, several Turkic groups … Tartarian [ tahr-tair-ee-uhn ] of, relating to, or characteristic of a Tartar or the Tartars, the Mongolian and Turkish tribes who overran Asia and much of Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages … YourDictionary Teterian Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Tatari Oguz Effendi or his doctrines; intentionally veiling one’s own discoveries, inventions, creations, etc., in order to remain unknown, anonymous, or obscure. It is amazing how she managed to hide her achievements. It is so tatarian … Collins English Dictionary Tartary (ˈtɑːrtəri) historical name of region of indefinite extent in East Europe and Asia: designates area overrun by Tartars in Middle Ages, from Dnieper River to the Pacific.


Using all seen below, we’ll attempt to demonstrate / “fully debunk your Tartarian discussions (as a possible-probable or likely waste of time and absurd on it’s face) by addressing 3 (seeming impossible-or-improbable) senarios-possibilities you’ve not brought up: one, Story is fake; two, Photos are fake; three, Reality is, itself, fake.”

First admission: Our knowledge of “Tartarian,” so far, is only what you-et al. say about it, by seeing stuff online you showed. All that may point to real stuff but we’ll take a good faith “adversarial” position, just based on stuff you’ve said-you believe such as …

DO YOU STIPULATE (i.e. agree as being true without our first having to prove it):

1. State of military industrial complex (MIC) computer-CGI tech likely far more advanced than what we see-use in our daily lives; may have been true for some time;

2. Secret space program may exist, with a humans and or “aliens” aspect; “aliens” aka non-humans may or probably exist;

3. Major aspect of “aliens” phenomenon is the “abduction” scenarios leaving behind unconscious implants, turning humans into ET-driven Manchurian candidates;

4. Killing millions includes mental-assassination, to misguide-distract one’s intellect;

5. Operation Mockingbird may extend into Truthers-infiltration with distractions;

6. Nefarious players do exist in back ground, who are into mind-control; modern day computer tech already produces ‘deep fakes’; may have been true for sometime;

7. If alien invasion can be faked, anything can; if 911 false flag included holograms, anything can be faked; Hollywood already produces convincing deep fakes;

8. If President Brandon (China Trader Joe) is, as you allege, an ‘actor,’ robot or clone, anything can be faked, i.e. there’s no limit to mind-games by-for nefarious players;

9. Many seemingly good faith folk may be victims of “mind-control” aka mk-ultra; “aliens” may have their own version of “mk-ultra”;

10. It is in the interest of nefarious players to distract “us” / “We the People” (WTP) with anything that keeps us from direct action against them;

11. We are already living in a combination of the narrative movies “They Live” and “The Matrix” and “Twilight Zone” and “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest,” etc;

12. Sherlock Holmes was right, when he said, “When you have eliminated the ‘impossible,’ whatever remains, however ‘improbable,’ must be the truth.”

13. You haven’t yet eliminated all ‘impossible’ scenarios, such as those seen above;

14. Wikipedia et al. sites are notoriously unreliable, made by mis-direction agents;

15. All chatter about flat earth, Tartarian, etc. may be massive distractions, to easily serve as a form of mind control, to help keep Truthers passive-inactive;

16. Very words Tartarian, Mu, flat earth (for flat minds?) sounds absolutely absurd, right up front, aka serves as prima facia evidence of possible intentional mind control;

17. Actual evidence is what’s needed, not merely argument-talk;

18. To prosecute crimes for ‘prima facie’ (on your face) evidence is not enough;

19. To actively pursue conspiracy theories far more is needed than prima facia; as Carl Sagan said, “extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence”;

20. Have you ever had night time dreams during which you became aware you were dreaming, aka engaged in “lucid dreaming”?

21. Ever heard it said one definition of ‘enlightenment’ is when one becomes aware life itself is a dream aka when one is awake-conscious that “reality” is anything but?

22. Ever had an experience where you said to yourself I must or may be dreaming?

23. Recall when one sexy-beautiful woman said to James Bond, in one of the earlier movies, My name is Pussy Galore, and he replied, I must be dreaming.

24. How much physical time have you spent on studying-discussing deep dives into rabbit holes that go no where, except in circles?

25. Aren’t you better serving WTP, by direct action, such as actually going to cops, to ‘demand arrests’ as you’ve called for, countless times; see direct-action-type women @ &

Stay tuned. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as we revise this page. Wait for it.

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