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Hacking-the-Matrix -> In Search of the One -> Show & Tell -> System Failure [Matrixist Warrior Chronicles] Podcast
Dr. Shiva-For-U.S. Pres. ("POTUS"): Re: "How WE Shatter-the-Swarm" (3rd-Interview)

Dr. Shiva-For-U.S. Pres. ("POTUS"): Re: "How WE Shatter-the-Swarm" (3rd-Interview)

Simulation & Anti-Pretender Predictive Programming, from the Centre. Time 1:43.

Captain’s Log Star date: April 6, 2024

This third dialogue took place recently. The last few seconds of our above audio-only version was inadvertently cut off, and refers to the movie fully-analyzed here: Captain America: Winter Soldierwith final unheard seconds heard in below linked-to video.

Featured Post - Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: “How We Shatter-the-Swarm”

Mirrored from

Questions that were asked and replied to:

1.      Have you studied our recent article posted at, encouraging you, as if in a martial arts strategy-technique, to use your opponent’s energy against them, to embrace, rather than fight, the claim that you’re not natural born, by asserting, I am natural born, in addition to being naturalized, and here’s the evidence proving it, such as family registry records and or a birth certificate, affidavits from family members knowing you since a child, showing you’re not a werewolf or an extraterrestrial, but a living, breathing man, just as the founders of the US Constitution had in mind. If not, we strongly encourage you to use that document so none can say you’ve not proven your natural born as opposed to unnaturally born, by cloning, test tubes or whatever.

2.      You’re missing the point, the point is the issue has likely already been decided by SCOTUS, and or will be; quoting A Few Good Men, “you need to emotionally prepare yourself for the fact that we’re going to lose—we’re going to lose—Big,” etc.

3.      Often say your purpose is to “create a bottoms-up movement to raise Consciousness,” but haven’t heard you define what is Consciousness; so, factually and only factually, what is Consciousness?

4.      Isn’t America supposed to be a so-called Republic, i.e. based upon true leaders representing We the People and not mis-leaders, from the Swarm, i.e., They-the-Parasitic .0001% ruling class?  Put differently, isn’t the so-called Electoral College supposed to preserve a Re-Public? Put differently, what is a Democracy, really, and or Republic-Based Government, i.e. who owns-controls the correct-true definition of those highly-charged, often vaguely-defined and or understood words? Is it any wonder many have the changed word democrat to instead be called a demon-crat and or Republic-rat of the so-called UNI-party, aka, Agents of the Swarm?

5.      How can you-We, as POTUS, ‘blow-up,’ to use your words, the fake Senate-Congress mis-Leaders, fake Representatives system, that are really not working for We-the-People but actually for Them/Them/Those who Bribed-Blackmailed-Brainwashed and or Bullied them?

Gundala: Rise of a Hero: “I’m one of the People” & best how to Shatter-the-Swarm idea

Key Takeaways: “If you build it, they will come,” as said in Field of Dreams

Dr. Shiva’s current and ever-evolving world:

Offices of Dr. V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai: Cambridge • New York • Chennai

VA SHIVA | Know the Truth - Find Your Way - Be the Light™

617.500.1988 | | twitter: @va_shiva

Advancing Health

CytoSolve® | Systems Health® | Your Body, Your System® | Know Thy Face

Inspiring Innovation

Innovation Corps | General Interactive | EchoMail® | ChefCare® | Millennium

Integrating East & West, Science & Tradition, Ancient & Modern

International Center for Integrative Systems | Certified R.A.W.™ | Certified C.L.E.A.N.

~ Innovation Anytime, Anyplace by Anybody ~ ~

Stay tuned-return.  Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as we revise this page.  Wait for it.

Matrixist Chronicles Substack
Hacking-the-Matrix -> In Search of the One -> Show & Tell -> System Failure [Matrixist Warrior Chronicles] Podcast
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