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[Deep State Marauder] & [Secretary of Retribution] Ivan Raiklin Finalizes EPIC-Take-DOWN of ALL Cabal-Infected Swamp Agents To DisEmPOWER Anti-Humane, Anti-Humanity, World-Dominating-Forces Existing->

Out there. Yes, White Hats versus Black Hats versus "Rainbow Hats" versus "Little Hats" versus Purple-Haired Weirdos! Simulation & Anti-Pretender Predictive Programming, from the Centre. Time: 40 min.

Captain’s Log Star date: August 9, 2024

Spoiler Alert: Do not scroll further herein unless loving thrillers and action-adventures.

Listen-to-Music as read related to ‘Man of Steel (2013)’ @ U-Tube.


And ‘Superman: Man of Steel (2013)’ (Piano Only) @ U-Tube.


N.B.: Above-below interview sound quality is excellent. Full (Part 1) Interview (40 mins.), same as above video, is just below, as a pure audio-only. If he (I.R.) grants more interviews, said continuations will appear within this self-same webpage.


Featured Post - Frontline Activist ‘Ivan Raiklin,’ Yes, THAT ‘Deep State Marauder’ Guy, aka the 'Secretary of Retribution’; aka, ‘Superman’ in a Parallel-Imagined Cinematic Movie Universe ?

The Man with the Plan ... So what’s Your Big Idea?

Meet Ivan Raiklin, a self-proclaimed? military-trained lawyer, ultra-marathoner and current and or possible future political office holder.

How we found him: In our ongoing search for ‘the One’ who can help us Save the World by, among other things, awakening humanity up and from the State-Tricks, aka ‘the Matrix,’ we clicked on, entitled Look out, Deep State! Your most seditious criminal conspiracies against Trump are about to be exposed—BIG TIME!!!” How could we resist that click-bait?

You can find Ivan on the following relatively-free speech platforms: X, Rumble, Substack, Locals, or Telegram, Gettr, Truth, Gab, Clouthub. Directions (kiddo): Just type ‘Raiklin’ in the search rectangle-box and look for his verified accounts. Bingo!

He signs his name this way, which kind of says it all: “Ivan E. Raiklin, Esq., Lieutenant Colonel (Retired).” For further details, hear our above interview with him and see for all the links to (much-most-or-all of) his online content. Also … For his epic life story, told mostly in pictures, see below:

N.B. To see the full scope-contents of each below photo, touch-click on same.

Jack Reacher Goes To Washington
Hot on their trail are the guys they didn't count on.
Family Man to the Rescue; Who Shot at Ashley Babbitt on J6? She Dead or Alive!??
Ultra-Marathon-er??? 'Running for Vets' too? He eats Determination for Breakfast?
Action, Action, Action, In Your Freakin' Face Activist
Will Ivan the (Not-So) Terrible be the last thing you see B4 being SWATTED b/c now it’s too late 4U?
Do you recognize [Deep State] 'Demonic Entities' when you see them?
Are White Hats finally delivering on the Promise made when Q-Anons said No One Can Stop What's Coming?

Stay tuned-return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as we revise this page. Wait for it.

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. - Steve Jobs

Continue to march … Succeed and Success. - JPR

Future proves past. - ‘Q’ from & & et al.

The future is filled with promise for those who show initiative. - Robert G. Allen

Superman represents We the People, while his->our adversaries are They-the-Parasites

TITLE: “Speaker Johnson, Elon Musk ... It’s time #MOATF” (Mother of All Twitter Files)

Ivan Raiklin [‘IR’ above-below herein] Schools National Public Radio (NPR) ‘Reporter’ Zoe Chase [‘ZC’] on the ‘Deep State Target List’ in a Viral Video (Partial Transcript) seen at

(For Full Video with pictures of many individuals mentioned therein, see: rumble. com/v4vxpwh-the-deep-state-marauder-ft.-ivan-raiklin.html )

By IVAN RAIKLIN, posted July 7, 2024

ZC: … can I just ask what brought you here today?

IR: What’s your name and what organization are you?

ZC: Zoe Chase. And the show is called This American Life. It’s a radio show.

IR: And what radio program is it on?

ZC: It’s its own show. It airs all over the country.

IR: Who sponsors it? Is it on what program? On NPR?

ZC: Yeah, it’s on public radio, but it’s on NPR program.

IR: Okay. So what is your question? You talked to me before?

ZC: Yeah, we met. I mean, it was like two years ago.

IR: Are you sure? Yeah. Which Reawakened?

ZC: It was the first one I went to, was in Nashville.

IR: Nashville?

ZC: Yeah.

IR: I’m not sure if I was in Nashville and that was not the first one.

ZC: No, it was my first one.

IR: Okay. It wasn’t the first one.

ZC: But there was like a hotel ‘meet and greet’ afterwards.

IR: And you’re based out of where?

ZC: New York.

IR: What brings you down here, when you have that trial up there?

ZC: I don’t get to cover the trial.

IR: How do they always do that? Do you get tasked to come down here?

ZC: Not really. I don’t get to do my own choices, but our show is like a documentary show more. It’s like a magazine.

IR: Do you want to do a sit-down, long-form interview with me?

ZC: Well, actually, I was just going to ask you, kind of like, what brought you here, like, why you were here and what you made of it.

IR: I’ll put a post up about it with that question. And then you can follow that on X, Telegram, Truth, Gettr, my Rumble channel, and all the other ones. And I can provide you that.

ZC: I just followed you on Twitter.

IR: Which one? IvanRaiklin?

ZC: Yes.

IR: Okay. Yeah, because the other one’s still censored by Brian Auten at the FBI. Okay. So, my Raiklin account is still being censored by the FBLie’s Brian Auten, Laura Dehmlow, Joe Pienta, and Elvis Chan.

ZC: So you started a new account?

IR: No, that still exists because it was reinstated [Thanks Elon!]. Those are the individuals that are at the FBLie that run the censorship industrial complex on behalf of this illegitimate regime. Do you know those names?

ZC: No.

IR: I can provide you much detail on them. Crossfire Hurricane spying operation on General Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Paul Manafort. I have receipts on every single individual. That’s why they haven’t really come after me yet, because, if they bring me in, the entire regime comes crumbling down.

ZC: Woah!

IR: So, they are scared of me, not the other way around.

ZC: That makes more sense. On your Twitter bio, I noticed today it said ‘Secretary of Retribution.’

IR: Yep.

ZC: I just wondered what that meant.

IR: Yeah, that means that I will guarantee consequences for a list of at least 350 individuals that are on my Deep State Target List.

ZC: Okay.

IR: And, when you read that Deep State Target List, remember, I’m an attorney, and a ‘retired’ Green Beret. Okay?

ZC: That, I know. Well, now, that I might be interested in talking with you more about, is your Deep State Target List.

IR: Elon Musk has it. Michael Schellenberger has it. Matt Taibbi has it. The Judiciary Committee has it. The Weaponization Committee has it. The Oversight Subcommittee that is part of the House Administration Committee has it. The House Freedom Caucus has it. The Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, likely has it. And it’s just a matter of time for a joint press conference to take place between Speaker Johnson and Elon Musk to go ahead and disclose and release the Twitter direct messages of those individuals on my list. You’re also going to find the involvement of Mike Pence and his chief of staff, Joshua Pitcock, in that conspiracy, along with Josh Pitcock’s wife, Catherine Seaman, who was the senior Russian analyst for Peter Strzok, who was one of the two individuals that was deployed by Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe to get... to get General Flynn to lie or to get him fired, as per Bill Priestap’s notes, which was the Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence at the FBLie. I can go in much more detail, but that’s generally the crux of it.

ZC: Do you get to meet with Jim Jordan and talk about this stuff?

IR: I meet with everybody.

ZC: All these guys?

IR: Every single member that you think I talk to, or may talk to, I talk to them.

ZC: And what do you guys talk about? What’s the reason that you talk to them?

IR: Everything that I put out publicly, I also provide that to them. I don’t do anything behind the scenes, like behind closed doors.

ZC: I guess, what I mean, is like, what are you hoping to get out of talking to them?

IR: I want to guarantee Elon Musk discloses the direct messages for the mother of all Twitter files so that the entire country can see what just occurred to them. The spying operation, the corrupt DOJ and FBLie, the raid on Mar-a-Lago was to seize the evidence that was declassified by Donald Trump in the last few hours of his first term, which involved the Crossfire Hurricane details, which would list all the names that I’ve mentioned so far. Whether it was Lisa Page, who was Andy McCabe’s chief counsel at the time, along with Peter Strzok, a guy by the name of Joseph Pientka III, who is currently the number three individual at the San Francisco field office. You have the special agent in charge, you have an ASAC, assistant special agents in charge, and then you have the ASAC for counterintelligence. That guy is... a guy by the name of Joseph Pientka, III, who was the second agent that was deployed to interview General Flynn on January 24, 2017 [along with Peter Strzok], in order to get General Flynn “fired or to get him to lie” [according to E. William Priestap’s notes AD for Counterintelligence]. That was an entrapment. And that’s the same agent that was deployed in August of 2016 to the Trump campaign to do what they call a counterintelligence briefing, a defensive one, but with the secondary purpose in order to [observe General Flynn’s manerisms anytime Russia was mentioned], and this was him, Pientka, along with Trump, Chris Christie [Pientka briefed all three, I wonder how much Chris Christie knew about this op]. You know that Chris Christie’s attorney during his Bridgegate scandal was Christopher Wray -

[who later became FBLie Director and still is.]

/// End of partial transcript.

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