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(Dirty Harry) JJ-Carrell As U.S. President (POTUS) OR I.C.E. & Or Homeland Security Director (DHS) Assembles His Save America Dream Team: 1st Interview: Is He the One? A Doomsday Clock is Ticking-Go!

Simulation & Anti-Pretender Predictive Programming, from the Centre. Time: 88 min.

Captain’s Log Star date: July 12, 2024

Listen-to-Music, as read below Essay, from ‘Captain America: First Avenger’ @ U-Tube


Alt., from ‘Captain America Theme’ & ‘Captain America Returns’ @ U-Tube


N.B.: Above-Video Begins 46 Seconds In, with Screen All-Black For 12-ish Seconds & Then Our Matrixist Logo (Trinity Shield-Maiden Leaping With Guns-Blazing) Appears w-Sound. The above-below audio-video-interview sound quality is pretty-good to excellent. Full Interview (1 hr., 28 mins.) completing above video, is just below, as a pure audio-only.


Featured Post - Frontline Activist ‘J.J. Carrell,’ Yes, THAT ‘Border Security Guy’; aka ‘Dirty Harry’ in a Parallel-Imagined Cinematic Movie Universe

J.J. Carrell, on a Good Day, seeing right thru you.

Learn more-check out his Mission-Work @ & @jjcarrell14 on Twitter-X

BACKGROUND — As Self-described by the One-and-Only Mister ‘J.J. Carrell’ :

“J.J. Carrell recently retired from the United States Border Patrol after a 24-year career as a Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge. Carrell brings a different view on immigration and what is now transpiring on this forgotten and unknown place called the border.

Carrell's unique perspective is from years as a frontline Journeyman Agent to a Senior Leader in the United States Border Patrol. Carrell uses his experience to articulate who has created this disastrous situation on the border, how these policies are being enacted, and why these intentional policies are being implemented in his new book, Invaded: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System.

Carrell will release his new documentary, What Is Treason?, in September, exposing the traitors that run our government and the peril the United States now finds herself.

Carrell is unapologetically patriotic and believes in the greatness of America and her citizens. However, he is unafraid to point out the corruption and deception that is ruling decisions made about the border, illegal immigration, and the weakening of America's sovereignty.”

Commentary-Analysis: One thing we disagree on is JJC’s approach to “curing terminal cancer,” by cutting it out (surgery), poisoning it out (chemo- ‘therapy’), and or burning it out (radiation). No, that is the opposite of what should be done. The only solution is the nature-cure by doing the opposite of what was done, that caused the cancer in the first place, namely, detoxification, to the maximum degree, combined with super-nutrition. For life-saving details, contact types like and Cures only come via holistic-systems paths.

Stay tuned-return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as we revise this page. Wait for it.

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