[Joe Olson] As National Science Foundation (NSF) Director & Or White House Press Secretary (WHPS): Our First Interview Ever (The 1st-Seven-Months Of-His-Admin.): Is He the One? A Clock is Ticking. Go!

Want your Clock cleaned? Not afraid of being put in your place, humbled, humiliated, by perhaps a superior intellect? Simulation & Anti-Pretender Predictive Programming, from the Centre. Time: 1 hour.

Captain’s Log Star date: May 11, 2024

Listen to The Matrixist read all herein: (coming soon)

Spoiler Alert: None, unless craving beautiful music, wisdom and humor, kiddo.

Read-to-Music relates to ‘Vikings TV Series’ (buy @ U-Tube)



The above-below audio-video-interview sound quality is pretty good to excellent. The video image may blur, a bit, at times. We’ll try a possibly better approach, next time. The below recording completes the above video interview, but in audio-only.

Remember, remember, the Eleventh of September.

Featured Post - Frontline Activist ‘Joe Olson’: His First 7 Months As U.S. Director National Science Foundation &-Or White House Press Secretary

Engineer Joe in a library sanctuary somewhere in Mad house war-torn Earth
Souls plummet to their collective deaths on September Eleventh aka 9/11
… on a Day that shall live in infamy …
Stare at this. Long and Hard. Then Never forget.

Above, Joe Olson replies to the below question, followed by some relevant Q & A:

[Script: "This is the Matrixist Warrior Chronicles where we search for the One. Today's guest is the world-famous Engineer Joe Olson. Sir, Let’s imagine the following scenario comes to pass, in 2024, so think of this as a simulation, a dress rehearsal, for a soon-to-be future we all make happen. The situation is YOU ARE NOW serving under President of the United States; you have carte blanche to do as you alone decide, during your first term, you ONLY get ONE term, and have an un-limited staff-budget to do as, again, you alone decide, with all law enforcement prosecutorial power required to make your Good-Will happen. What would you do, in the first seven minutes / seven hours / seven days / seven weeks / seven months, to bring a Wrecking Ball to the Status Quo, while re-making it, so it reflects perfectly what We-the-People truly want, as best you understand it. Be as Emotional, using curse words, as you deem appropriate, or respectable, or, none at all, as WE prefer; but DO assume when this ONE term ends, YOU SOME HOW KNOW this is your LAST chance, for whatever the reason, to do ultimate good, so humanity finally fulfills its potential, by helping to right Starship Earth. So, please, now, make your ULTIMATE Definitive Statement, Joe Olsens's Manifesto-of-Manifestos, telling us ALL you’d do (other than use it as a bully pulpit, to do more interviews, hold educational forums, etc., we know all that, we mean necessary Orders etc. to Shatter-the-Swarm, for-ever), ORDERS you can reveal, FOR NOW, the Order you’d issue them, if relevant, precisely WHY THOSE Orders, citing-showing the best evidence you could gather, so far, within a limit of (3) hrs, in one-hour segments. Now, make this Powerful as the whole world will hear this and know, of what's to come, whomever follows you. Now-Your thoughts, with zero interruptions of any kind. Your turn-GO!"].

Engineer Joe’s Latest - Greatest Red-Pilling Web-Presence Experiences Awaiting You:

“Sharing Red Pills … since 1972 … ”

Regularly Featured within Prof. Jim-James-H. Fetzer’s Need-To-Know-News

Faux Science Slayer @ his website’s homepage: Slaying Fake Science.com

Joe Olson @ Red Pill Expo 1989 ( Part II ) aka bit.ly/JoeOlson2

Cargo Cult Phenomena > On climate change, green energy & WTC vaporization


Joe Olson (December 5, 2020): 9/11: Where did the Towers Go?

100 Years of POTUS Puppet Shows > On “Zombie-Treat” “Rice-A-Romney”

“When your opponent refuses reason, resort to ridicule … ”


Partial bibliography of “Pacific Theater” resources, (and) far more in Europe:


Recommends: “Tales of the American Empire” Documentary Series online

“Overthrowing the Kit and Caboodle” an Essay by Joseph A. Olson, PE

It is a harbinger of hysteria when the pompous Prince Chuck and his Faux Princess Camila are surrounded with chants “Off with their heads” and are poked with sticks. This is not the remedy for tyranny. Monarchs and their attendant wannabes have been the scourge of humanity for eternity. But like all plagues, this one cannot be cured without understanding of the pathogen’s life process.

Many of us go to bed as children with tales of distant Prince and Princess dancing in our heads. We then dream of knights, castles and kings. But we then awaken to the sound of mum telling us it is time to scrub the floor or to mow the lawn. The dreams of the elite end quite differently. These would-be kings awake to a room full of toy soldiers and YOU on your knees scrubbing their floor or out in the garden mowing their lawn. This infant superiority to the reality of ‘common folks’ is then reinforced with the family tree connections to past royalty, a past STOLEN from today’s would-be kings by the ancestors of their current gardener and maid. This begins the most insidious of class warfare mentality, the elitist superiority by birth.

This superiority is then nurtured by decades in prep school echo chambers with like minded elitist spawn, where adolescent minds are groomed for future command and control. Whether it’s Andover or Eton it is always the same tune, the masses are scum and worthy of doom. The puzzle for the elite is how to create this doom and not get caught out in the process.

America was created as a nation to oppose humanity’s perpetual slave masters, the monarchs, but some in this new land could never surrender the ancient dream. It is one of the great tragedies of history that the once freed colonies were recaptured by our own brand of tyrants, the monopoly monarchs. These American robber barons then freely entangled our nation back into the European royal insanity.

It is a waste of time to even try to understand the European royal family trees. There has been so much interbreeding by royal first cousins that the entire continent has been first tainted by this genetically defective blue blood and then repeatedly washed in peasant’s red blood. The World Wars of the twentieth century are a direct result of royal rivalries and have sown the seeds for the conflicts which followed and the one directly ahead.

Tangled Roots of One Royal Family Tree

To illustrate the insidious nature of royalty, consider Queen Victoria married her cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in a joyous and productive union designed to insure future European peace. Their nine children went on to marry into the royal families of Denmark, Russia, Prussia, Waldeck-Pyrmont (Prussia), Hesse (German), Schleswig-Holsstein (German) and Battenburg (Austria). This was the pre–WWI generation.

The following generation of Victoria heirs added the royal marriages to Greece, Norway, Romania and Spain. These sometimes petty, sometimes powerful little fiefdoms always cast an envious and wary eye on their neighbor and for safety joined in shifting mutual-assured destruction pacts with each other. It was these binding alliances that lead to the European world war from one domino falling with the assassination of one Grand Duke.

Half way thru the ‘war to end all wars’ the German title of the British crown became an issue and the royal family name was changed to the “House of Windsor.” Feudal caste systems need a buffer from the middle class. In ancient times these were the barons, dukes and marquees. In modern times these were supplemented by industrial and banking monopolists. Having over thrown its monarchs, America could only offer its industrial and banking monopolists to the European power matrix.

America’s uber upper class has always maintained philosophical links to monarchs so the alliance was natural. The First World War was a war of attrition on static fronts. With the collapse of the Russian monarch and the eastern front, Germany could now focus on one front and possibly defeat Britain and France. Under the despotic rule of President (King) Woodrow Wilson, America was wrongfully plunged into this blood bath to fill the Russian void.

The victorious and reluctant allies forged an unjust peace that insured a future conflict. Germany’s first attempt in history of a democratic government, the fragile Weimer Republic, was still born from the unjust burdens of birth. The undamaged factories, mines and infrastructure from pre-WWI were abandoned and a highly skilled labor force was idle and starving. This was the perfect opportunity for the monopolist quick-buck artists.

When Hitler rose to power promising stable currency and tight control of labor unions the American monopolists could not resist. Capitol that had been idle for several years waiting for recovery from the great depression, rapidly flowed into Germany, but it was a one way flow. As Ambassador William Dodd wrote to FDR in August of 1936, “over 100 major US corporations had invested in Germany and could not now release those investments.”

Those ‘investments’ were by J.P. Morgan, DuPont, Ford, G.M. and the Rockefellers. The lauded ‘Hitler Economic Boom’ was in reality a theft of American monopolist money and a cause for war. The claim that ‘WE’ won the war really only applies to the monarch-monopoly alliance, for those at the top structure everything so that they always win. The US taxpayers reimbursed these monopolists for their lost German investment.

While the western world was occupied in their blood bath, the premier monarch of the east was left unchecked. Given the rampant cases of cannibalism it is fair to say that Japan was having a picnic with its Asian neighbors. When the boy-king Hirohito moved his toy soldiers it was not necessary to also supply food, for Samaria could live off the land. That this mass murderer of millions escaped with his life and his throne is due to the actions of one vain American, acting on orders for the monarch-monopoly alliance.

Dugout Doug Saves Hirohito’s Bacon

Dear Douglas MacArthur failed to comply with orders to relocate his aircraft following Pearl Harbor and in the next few days lost all of the Philippine air force to Japanese attacks. General MacArthur fled to caves far from battle, leading to the nickname ‘Dugout’ and then hopped the first PT boat he could and fled the war zone, promising “I’ll be back.”

In his memoirs, Dugout Doug said his most shameful moment was serving in the court-martial of General Billy Mitchell for insubordination. Mitchell had the audacity to prove aircraft could easily sink battleships and were immune to all anti-aircraft measures of the time. His refusal to be silent threatened the ‘military-industrial complex’ for which Mitchell was convicted. However, Doug claims he voted as innocent. Billy correctly predicted the opening events in the Pacific war a decade before they happened.

Dugout Doug doesn’t mention a few other lapses of judgment. He was the commanding officer during the shameful rout of the ‘Bonus Army’ who had camped in DC demanding the benefits promised to WWI veterans but never delivered. Serving under Doug was George Patton and serving under both during this shameful moment was Dwight Eisenhower. Of these three Army officers, one would be a useful monarch-monopolist puppet for life, one would be for a few decades, then forced to retire and one would pay the ultimate price for not learning to play nice.

Doug’s next moment of shame was insisting that thousands of Pacific Theater soldiers bathe the beaches of the Philippines in blood in strategic useless battles, so that he could don his Ray-bans, his corn cob pipe and pose in knee deep water stating “I have returned.’ Following his signing of the Japanese surrender he was placed in receivership of Japan with orders from the monarch monopolist alliance.

Doug was ordered to absolve the Emperor of all war crimes. Doug did this despite overwhelming evidence that Hirohito repeatedly ignored his senior staff and personally ordered many of the atrocities. Doug was just following orders from the monarchs who had three good reasons for a royal whitewash.

First, the monarchs need to deflect any investigation into their royal rolls in the series of world conflicts. Second, they needed to reestablish their fiefdoms in Europe and anything that reflected badly on eastern monarchs might require reflection on the future roles of all monarchs. Finally, if monarchs were to ever reestablish a toehold in Asia, they need an unbroken stem line of royal blood. If Doug ever questioned these orders he need only look at the career paths of his two junior officers from the Bonus Army scandal.

Beware of the Military Industrial Complex

In the European Theater, Dwight Eisenhower had figured out how to brown-nose his way to the top in a politically dictated ‘game’ and was now superior to a real soldier’s soldier, General Patton. Again thousands of American soldiers were sent to slaughter for the vanity of their leaders. Patton’s knowledge of these events and the fact that a court-martial could never silence this true patriot forced another action.

America had no effective counter-intelligence at the start of WWII, but soon created the Office of Strategic Services. The OSS was run by Colonel William “Wild Bill” Donovan. To solve the ‘Patton Issue,’ Wild Bill called on OSS assassin Douglas DeWitt Bazata, who, after three attempts, was ultimately successful. On September 25, 1979, the retired Major Bazata told a gathering of 450 invited guests at the Washington Hilton the details with the following quote of the orders that Donovan had given:

“We’ve got a terrible situation with the great patriot, he’s out of control and we must save him from himself and from ruining everything the allies have done”.

Full details of this assassination are detailed the book “Target Patton” by Robert Wilcox and should provide useful introspection to those in the military who would issue or who have been issued wrongful orders. Dwight learned to play the game and the needless deaths where just toy soldiers. The stage was then set for the next and pending conflict.

However, this time the game has changed. Many are now aware of the web of deceit woven by the elite and hanging above our heads. We will continue to inform all of our fellow citizens and this threat will soon pass. As delightful as ‘Off with their head” is at the moment, it must not be done in chaos. We have lawful means to hold crimes against humanity trials and to enact just punishment.

My articles are offered as a lecture series. Given the intentional devaluing of our education system it is necessary to place many dots and make many connections before the picture becomes overwhelmingly clear. This is article three in a WWII lecture series that begins with the “Vacuum Under the Soetoro Sombrero” and “Housebreaking Your New Euro-Snob.” Please read these and be prepared for the next installment in correcting your Faux History education.

Author’s Statement on Sourcing

The material presented in this article an accumulation of decades of devoted study in a wide range of subjects. This author reads a minimum of 1000 pages of science, history and biography every month. I have rejected the hedonistic drunken orgy rewards of life, in exchange for the spiritual journey for truth. As an abused youth, I entered college with more mental baggage than most and thought Psychology classes might be of help. Two Psych classes enrolled, and two audited, showed this field as merely Psycho-babble. I did however read at least one book each by Freud, Erickson and Jung and stored the useful information for later use. I then chose engineering, where applied science was required to have empirical proof of truth.

Understanding of traditional science made the FRAUD of climate ‘science’ readily apparent and I chose to speak out in articles posted at thousands of websites worldwide. I struggled my entire academic career because of the incoherent manner that subjects are presented. Even the most causal reading of history will show that humanity has been ruled by madmen, but in our failed education system, these madmen have a method to their madness. THINKING MEN MAKE TERRIBLE SLAVES. Since slave labor always provides the greatest ‘return on investment’ the current ruling madmen have structured a mind control supporting system. WE DO NOT HAVE AN EDUCATION SYSTEM; WE HAVE INTENTIONAL, IMPOSED INSTITUALIZED IGNORANCE.

Once you analyze the Motives and Methods employed in Faux Science, it is easy to apply proper analysis to the greater fraud of Faux History. Here is a partial list of my reading material over the last eighteen months that have contributed to this article:

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Wm Shirer, 1530 pages (read for third time)

Tex Hill, Flying Tiger, Tex Hill on the AVG, 320 pages

Ship of Ghosts, on the USS Houston, James Hornfischer, 545 pages

Battlefield Atlantic, on Jap sub I-52, Richard Billings, 290 pages

Flyboys, on US flyers at Chichi Jima, James Bradley, 490 pages

War in Pacific Skies, Charlie & Ann Cooper, 180 pages

Sea of Thunder, Evan Thomas, 360 pages

Einstein, Life and Times, Ronald W. Clark, 780 pages

Puppetmaster, Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Hack, 405 pages

Arrogance of Power, Secret World of Richard Nixon, Anthony Summers, 485 pages

This partial list is supplemented with a thousand of pages of web research. I did not choose the disturbing nature of this material. Science facts are what nature proves them to be. Historical facts are the ones that present the clearest image of reality. It is not my fault that madmen have created this insane reality. Hopefully, full disclosure will cure humanity’s affliction with this elitist disease.

Joseph A. Olson, PE, January 15, 2011 (N.B. ‘P.E.’ stands for ‘Professional Engineer’)

Stay tuned-Return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as revise page. Wait for it.

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