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Rima-E-Laibow, MD, As U.S. Holistic Healing Czar: [Controlling the CDC, FDA, NIAID, HHS, NIH et al]: What Would SHE do? Is She the One? And You? Are You? Is Anyone? A Clock is Ticking! [1st-Interview]

Simulation & Anti-Pretender Predictive Programming, from the Centre. Time 3:11.

Captain’s Log Star date: March 2, 2024

Spoiler Alert: Don’t go any farther unless choosing exposure to the truth about the real-world identity of Wonder Woman. Yes, the ‘comic-book’ Amazonian Warrior-Princess:

N.B. In the above video-interview, every 30? mins. or so, the image freezes as Dr. Rima goes silent for a few seconds, so we start to speak, noting that fact, then it starts again, with part of what she said lost. This should be corrected during future interviews. A partial remedy is the following audio-only recording of said 3 hr. interview, in 2 parts, which should be easier to skip around in, unlike the vid. which jams up the meter bar:


The Story of her life is told below, in pictures mostly. Rest is in above 3 hr. vid. …

‘Page 1’: A long time ago, in a city not too far away, Rima Laibow came into the world.

In medical school she learned drugs are mostly poison, so she found nature cures, e.g.

She heard 'the Great Ones' (‘ill-leets’) were out to get us, and became Wonder Woman.

This included starting a pro-healing anti-NGO (money laundering) group:

Rima will find them. Resistance was futile.

Then she developed website and internet skills to help save her world:

Rima daily exercised her muscles
And she promoted efforts to get the Public Serpents to stop genocide.
Eventually, the bad guys took out a great love of her life, General Bert
But Rima still ran circles around the military industrial complex

And now says Bert still communicates with her, from the Other Side. It helps to have followed the advise of the three wise men below, so Bert knows she's still kosher.

Never underestimate Rima
Rima maintains her sense of humor
Rima’s Kung-Fu is better than their Kung-Fu
Rima will save our world, with your help

Featured Post - Dr. Rima Laibow: What She’d Do As Holistic Healing Czar

As Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, she can be seen-heard @,,,, Telegram/PreventGenocide2030 &
Podcasts: Dr Rima Truth Reports Tuesdays, 6-8 PM Eastern live on and live streamed on Rumble/PeopleForPeople2022
Catalytic Conversations Saturdays, 5-7 PM Eastern live.

Stay tuned-return. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel, as we revise this page. Wait for it.

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